The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I play warriors in SP. Always. I have a Frenzy party setup to do levels from 3 to 18.

    There's no denying however that most of the levels can be cleared faster with Flash wizards.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I was very, very tempted (despite my resolve to not buy anything) because I don't have any double Arrogant heavy armors yet and I really, really needed one for the loot fairy.
  3. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yeah, I did a 1/1/1 for Secret of the Elder Mind. Used Arrogant Armor/ Mystical Drakehide/ Nimble Strike/Telekinesis/ Flash of Pain /Obliterating Spark/Parry. Oh, and team heal, really helpful for the last battle. I USED SO MANY EPIC/LEGD ITEMS RARG

    Dude, Kalin. You need to buy Impervious Panoply right now. RIGHT NOW
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I did it with 6 Savage Curses and 10 Firestorms on each wizard :) Simply incinerated the monster on the 2nd turn.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    But I'm trying to save money!
    I have only about 4 items with Savage Curse, none very good. :( But Mordecai's Staff Of Magma gave me a good chance of drawing two Volcano in the first round, which works as well. :)
  6. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yeah, my priest drew a Savage Curse and my wizard drew three Flash of Agony on the second map of Elder Mind... it wasn't pretty...
    It was Beautiful. Slaughtered all of the flensers in under a minute.
  7. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The new Deal is... strange.

    Bruising Dervish. Good, bad, or ugly? The damage is extremely low, even for the two blue tokens. On the other hand, it can be pumped by Crusher, and the weapons with double Violent Spin are rare. Still, two tokens are two tokens, and I'd better use my Reap The Whirlwind. I guess the legendary with so weak attacks should cost one token. I'd buy it if it would cost one.

    Draining Dagger. I have one, but it isn't the best vampire weapon, alas.
    Voltstaff. I used it for the farming when I didn't have better staves. But having Block Melee cards for a wizard is kinda silly: they should avoid melee at all costs.
    Weighty Wand. Too weak for a token.
  8. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Not exactly ugly, but that art is totally inappropriate for a weapon with only crushing attacks.
  9. The Final Doorman

    The Final Doorman Orc Soldier least Violent Spin has bladed weapons in the art, right?
    Flaxative likes this.
  10. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Today's Daily Dealio:

    Kelvin's Chunk Of Ice: A pretty cool item, if I do say so myself. I can't imagine when I would NEED it when I could just use one or two of the 2X Cone of Cold items (Hylithia's Wand, Xochu's Icy Circlet, Hasek's Icy Ring). Those items only cost a minor token, and they are INSANELY useful in SP.

    Clever Mobility: An unusual item, basically it amounts to Evasion but with the ability to grab movement cards from your other items in addition to the mighty Flanking Moves. I would consider this on a spear vampire. Otherwise Cautious Mobility is the best.
    Next, Crimson Morningstar. One of the few Epics I am missing, but I can't spend 500 g on it for completionism YET. Besides I like Eixocl's Hammer much better.
    Ogre Plate: One of few items with Enchanted Armor(check out the typo); but the Shimmering Aura really turns me away from it. I have Ozone Plates and they work much better for me.

    And don't miss out on Vampire's Blade if you don't have one or two already.
    Ector likes this.
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Great comment, Jade!

    Too unfocused to my taste. If I want Elven Maneuvers, I will play Cautious Mobility since the card requires a special build for the maximum effectiveness (a lot of step attacks). If I can afford a yellow token, then I'll prefer Superb Mobility, with all 3 cards having unique elven tech. I guess even Salubrious Mobility is better than Clever, since elves always appreciate a Healing Dash...

    I also like Eixocl's Hammer, but still bought the Morningstar immediately :) The reason is damage and number of attacks. All bashing weapons suffer from the low damage, including the Hammer. It has 4 attacks with 20 damage total, while the Morningstar has 5 attacks with 25 damage total, and all these attacks are crushing. Obviously, these numbers become 28 and 35 with Crusher, making the difference even more vivid. 35 damage + Blind Rage is very very good for a (minortoken)(minortoken) weapon.

    Ahh, the armors with Lunging Bash! I have Ogre Plate, but your comment placed Ozone Plates in my "want" list :)

    I had two already, but I need at least four, so I grabbed it on sight.
  12. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Eixocl's Hammer offers TONS of movement for a Bash/Crushing damage weapon. That in itself is a rarity.
    I mean, if all you care about is damage and you don't care about having crappy cards like Bludgeon on you weapons why not use Infused Greatclub? 52 damage plus another 12 with Crusher, not to mention other frenzy buffs... way better than Crimson Morningstar.... Also, damage isn't everything. I just don't see the value of Crimson Morningstar other than as an OK intermediate weapon (between Greatclub and the Hammer) with some bashes and a Blind Rage.
    Ditch the Morningstar and grab Heavyweight Mace or the others I mentioned instead.
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Excuse me, but what typo? The card is called Enchanted Mail and the image depicts mail armor. The card text uses "armor" as a general term for all armor (including mail armor), seems to me.
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I don't care only about the damage. Extra movement is essential, as well as the bashing effect, that's why Crimson Morningstar will always have its niche between Eixocl's Hammer and Infused Greatclub. The Hammer has the best movement and tech, but the lowest damage, the Morningstar has average tech (3 bashes, 2 step attacks and Blind Rage) with mediocre damage, and the Greatclub has ultimate damage with absolutely no tech. Heavyweight Mace has approximately the same tech level as the Morningstar, but it has no movement. It surely deals more damage, but requires a yellow token.
    I like to have various options and strongly believe that the Morningstar may be the right weapon for some build one day.
  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Your argument would make sense if you could only equip one weapon at a time. You've got two other slots to shore up the weaknesses of a weapon. I would rather have 3 weapons that are the best at what they do than 3 sub par flexible weapons.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Having 3 weapon slots doesn't mean that "shoring up the weaknesses of a weapon" is easy, possible or even desirable. I'd say that usually you're trying to fully exploit the strengths of the weapon instead of shoring up its weaknesses.
    For instance, if you use Eixocl's Hammer, you'll want to add some other items with Dodge, since one Dodge is too inconsistent. Dodge is the weapon's strength, there aren't many weapons with it. You may also want to use other weapons with the high number of attacks to fully exploit the Blind Rage. The weapon's weakness is the low damage, but if you simply add the weapons with high damage to compensate for it, you aren't going to get a consistent build. To get a good build, you should decide your goals and choose the best weapons to fit the goals. In this case, it would be great to have 2-4 Dodges and a lot of Lunging Bashes or range 2 attacks.
    For a Crusher build without extra tricks like Dodge I'd like the weapons with a lot of crushing attacks, preferably with some added tech (bashing away, step move, hard to block, everything). Crimson Morninstar is better for this than Eixocl's Hammer since it has more attacks and deals more damage, while having less tech. It may be worse than Porior's Nimble Mace, since saving a token is huge, but I believe that Blind Rage may be worth spending the token. I like to play with 2 Blind Rages, so I may use the Morningstar and Bloody Stoutness to get two Rages and two good blocks.
  17. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Dodge is not the weapon's strength. Having a lot of versatile bashes on a double minor token weapon is it's strength. If you're looking for Dodges you'd be better off with Bolg's Club Of Evasion. Not enough bashes you say? Then pair it with Basher's Delight, another weapon that is the best at what it does. Everything works with Crusher and there are no weak cards like Simple Strike or Bludgeon. The strength of Crimson Morningstar are the bashes and Eixocl's Hammer simply does it better. I totally understand not wanting to be short on attacks but filling an imaginary attack quota with mediocre cards is not the answer.
  18. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The Loot Fairy supports my decision to save my money. :p
    (Results are not typical. Do not try this at home.)
    wavy likes this.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, Bolg's Club of Evasion is the ultimate dodging weapon, but it has absolutely no other tech. No pushing enemies away, no step attacks, and no Blind Rage. Dodge has a great synergy with Lunging Bash, since you can dodge away and then attack with a step move; Strong Bludgeon cannot offer that. Nobody is looking only for Dodges, or only for bashes, and so on. Everybody is looking for a good mix of cards more-or-less fit to their idea.

    Right, I've already used the example of Basher's Delight + two Eixocl's Hammers. You don't need Crusher for that build: all your attacks are bashes, and you can save a token using Bruiser (Novice Bruising is tokenless). You will get a very techy build, with two Dodges, two Blind Rages and 14 bashing attacks, but I can guarantee that you will curse that build a lot for having just a pair of Lunging Bashes when you could finish off the enemy character. That build can be a nightmare for the enemy warriors, but the wizards will more-or-less easily kill it.

    Yes, Simple Strike and Bludgeon are weak. But they are still attacks that can do some damage, especially with Crusher. And they can lure out the enemy blocks. If you plan to use Crusher, Blind Rage and, probably, even MF from a priest, then every attack card is golden for you! Are you really going to tell me that will all these pumps you'd prefer Dodge to Simple Strike (that would deal 10 damage)? I guess not. That's why Crimson Morningstar has its niche.
  20. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    This is the best case scenario. What about the opposite end of the spectrum? You have no buffs on standing next to a character loaded with attacks. Which one would you rather have now? I'd even settle for the 4th bash card from the Hammer over the vanilla attack on the Morningstar. You are using the Morningstar for the tech and there's a better option. The only time I would rather have a low damage attack over a Dodge is when it would kill someone and that just does not happen often. In the average situation where the enemy is at a healthy life total I would take a reusable damage avoidance card every time. You just don't see people/cats calling for Simple Strike to be nerfed.

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