Starter party items disappeared (2.10a)

Discussion in 'Support' started by elirian, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. elirian

    elirian Kobold

    Sorry, I can't give much info about this, as I don't recall exactly what happened. My account name is elirian.

    I bought the new starter party and made them all inactive when the option came up. I transferred their items to the inventory by dragging, leaving them inactive all the while. I then played SP for a couple hours. I came back to try out an idea involving double staff of the fire god, but I only had the one from before I bought the starter party. Likewise with whiteglow flail, although those two are the only ones I have checked as I knew I had exactly one of each beforehand. I've stripped all my characters, active and inactive, I've checked all the shops, I've relogged several times. I've used the inventory tools that are posted on these forums to see if they're in there but just not being represented graphically somehow. Right now I feel like a real dog for forgetting the name of the very kind individual who spent like 30 minutes walking me through all these steps. You know who you are, if you see this please remind me!

    Anyway, nothing. I've checked several times in every location I can think they might be, but the items are not there. I'm not especially worried about them, the pizza was from the free tournament week, but it seems like it could be an issue. I have not had any bonus pizza from winning multiple copies of a figure btw.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Did you by any chance purchase a Starter Pack with possible pizza winnings from any league today? There was an issue with faulty pizza being awarded, so those purchases were voided. Also, have you checked if your pizza balance did change?

    Either way, the devs will need your account name to be able to check any transactions for you. Either mail or post it here, will work fine.

    Also, moving this to support, if we can't add anything that can lead to any bug tracking.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  3. elirian

    elirian Kobold

    Sorry no, I should have mentioned that. Will update OP.
    Pengw1n likes this.
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I was the one helping you with the issue in chat, Elirian. Thanks for the kind words and you're welcome!
  5. elirian

    elirian Kobold

    Ah yes thankyou Jarmo! I knew I'd remember as soon as I saw your name but I could not think of it for the life of me. Very much appreciated.
  6. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yes, please email us and we'll look into it.

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