blackscreen trying to log into game

Discussion in 'Support' started by Paul Dancer, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Paul Dancer

    Paul Dancer Kobold

    When I try to load the game screen, its just black and says : Card Hunter - flashplayer installation, and nothing happens, im on a new computer and maybe I need a new browser or something anyone help me , thx.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    What browser are you using (game is not that fond of Internet Explorer or so I hear)? Do you have a firewall active?

    Also, likely a technical issue rather than a bug - so moving it to the support forum.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  3. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    As Pengw1n said, we need some info:

    1) What browser are you using? Is it up to date?
    2) What OS are you on?
    3) Do you have the latest version of Flash installed? You can check here:

    If you don't already have it installed, I highly recommend using Chrome as your browser for Card Hunter.

  4. Paul Dancer

    Paul Dancer Kobold

    I just got this computer from my daughter, it is explorer yes, I need to put chrome on then thx for speedy help
  5. Paul Dancer

    Paul Dancer Kobold

    11,3,372,94 installed my flash instaleed, I can only assume its the browser
  6. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Yes, please try with Chrome as IE is...less than optimal when it comes to web-standards.

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