At the shop reset time today all of the shops were updated, with the exception of Randimar's Rarities. Has Randimar abandoned his shop for the holidays?
I wouldn't get my hopes up for any quick fixes during a weekend, especially considering the time of year it is. I could be wrong of course, just don't want people to get their hopes up for any solution before the devs are back from holiday.
I'm glad to see it's to someone's advantage. Good luck grinding the loot quickly, because it should be gone by now.
Eh, I'm still like 1000 away, I guess I could sell some Legendaries but it's probably not gonna happen.
The devs now know about the bug and are looking into it. Hopefully they can fix it soon. I'm dying to know what useless crap I have in Randimar's this week!
Firestorm is great for SP farming, but I wouldn't use it in MP. And it got me through Black Oaken Heart.