Peasant Card Hunter Tournament w/ Prizes!

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Flaxative, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I'll sign up for any spaces that people don't make it.

    I'm free pretty much any time MWFSS from 10 am to 11 pm Eastern.
  2. I have a question about the sideboard that isn't clearly explained in the rules. Are we allowed to change only one item per character, or as many items as we like? I'm assuming it's the latter but I'm also really hoping that it's not. If it's the former, you can just ignore everything written below. :)

    I think that if players are allowed to rebuild their whole deck between matches, balanced teams (warrior, priest, wizard) would probably have a HUGE advantage over full wizard teams because balanced teams are much better at adapting to different opponents. As soon as you see you are facing a team of wizards, you just make your lone wizard 100% anti-spell and most like enjoy your victory. Wizards on the other hand have much less options with sideboards because wizards always have spells and are always vulnerable to Counterspell, Smoke Bomb, etc. And it doesn't hurt only wizards, same exact thing would happen if you play a full warrior team for example, because those guys are not that great at adapting either. I could be wrong though because I haven't tested this, but to me it seems logical that a balanced team would have the edge here because they have some much more options.

    Related to this, if in fact we are allowed to change our whole decks, why are we not allowed to change our characters? I would understand if we were not allowed to change either of them, but why are we allowed to change one and not the other? Is it a time issue or what?

    Personally I would drop the whole sideboard thing because it makes the first tournament test more complicated, there are the balance issues I mentioned here, and also the fact that it makes the matches last longer. But if we absolutely must have it, I think there should be a limit on how many cards you can change between matches. Either a limit per character (better) or a total limit.
  3. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    1) You can swap as many items as you like when sideboarding.
    2) There is a time limit on sideboarding.

    I hear what you're saying, but I am not going to change this rule at this time. A weakness of overly focused builds in most games is that they are vulnerable to sideboard hate. One of the reasons 3DC runs rampant in Card Hunter PvP right now is that there is no second, no third game in the match. Your opponent can't edit his build to punish 3DC because his next game could be against 1/1/1. The point of sideboarding rules in, say, MtG is to mitigate rock-paper-scissors situations and to give all decks the ability to adapt against specific opponents. This is the point and goal of my sideboarding rules. If someone is playing 3DC in this tournament, and his opponent sides in some counterspells and smoke bombs, that is precisely what I want to see happening.

    EDIT: Stexe points out that because people can store/retrieve their alternate item configurations, the time limit is not meaningful. I am amending sideboarding rules, and will post the new rules both to the first post in the thread and immediately below.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Sideboarding Rules Change

    When registering your deck (or ASAP, if you've already registered your deck), you may register with me a 10 ITEM SIDEBOARD. This includes duplicates; so, for instance, if you want to be able to swap in two of an item that takes up two slots in your sideboard. When swapping items into your party between games in a match, you may only use the items from this sideboard. These items could all be for one character or they could be split amongst your three characters in any distribution you like.

    I am extending the registration deadline to 24 hours from NOW (that's 9:30 a.m. PST) in order to give people extra time to register their sideboards.
  5. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    Next time, how about open signup for a given time period, then put in a cut off at 16/32/whatever, as you may have a lot of interest!
  6. Kamikaza

    Kamikaza Kobold

    Im in if there are some spots left, i will post my match availability later, current time at my country is 18:33.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    If this event goes smoothly, the next event will not have a cap. I am trying to start small for a number of reasons. Implementing some of SLG's suggestions regarding match coordination might make it easier to run larger events.
  8. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    I sent my team info - pff, a lot of work. :)
    I am against changes in classes/races. So, I do like current sideboard rules. And in my eyes it is good that it hurts some one-sided teams. This is because if we compare it to some kind of real life battle which goes on, and on, and you can adapt your strategy, changing items makes sense, but rebuilding classes does not. It also helps to eliminate cookie-cutter builds aimed just for fast win of unexpecting enemy. In other words, if 3 wizards or 3 warriors build has no real valid counter-build, everyone would run it to win. That would be very boring.
    On the other hand if people run balanced teams they don't really know what to expect exactly from next games in a match.
  9. Red Mage

    Red Mage Kobold

    Let's say I have two warriors and I pick Grey Rapier as a sideboard item. Do I have to choose which warrior can use it?
    Anyway I think that we should have an approach similar to Mtg's one. Sideboard should be a way to avoid auto-loss and mirror matches, not to rebuild your deck. 10 items are still too much imho.
    Magic allows a 15 card sideboard and a deck has a minimum of 60 cards, so you could change up to 25% of your deck
    In Card Hunter we have 3 characters, each one with a 36 card deck. With a 10 item sideboard you could change 30 cards out of 108 (about 27%). The problem is that some items give 6 cards instead of three so the percentage can dramatically increase. A player that has a 3 warrior party and that sideboards in a whole new set of weapons has changed 52% of her deck. How about weapons, divine weapons and staves occupying two slots?
  10. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Thank you, Mosalla. Your reasoning is basically the same as mine.

    No—You can give the item to anyone in your party when you sideboard.

    I'm aware of the MtG sideboard rules. It's hard to compare exactly because we're not editing our decks at the card level.

    I think with 10 items, you can't rebuild your entire party. You're still locked into at least 66% of your build. Judging by the sideboards submitted thus far, the 10-item limit seems reasonable. I appreciate your feedback, but I'm going to leave the rules as is for now. Not only do I think they're fine, but I don't want to keep changing them. We're trying to get to the point where I can start Round 1, and the more changes we make to the rules, the more we delay things. I look forward to receiving feedback about the sideboard process after the tournament, and am willing to consider changing it in future events—as I've said, this is a test drive.
  11. Red Mage

    Red Mage Kobold

    Mine was a suggestion for future tournaments :)
    Flaxative likes this.
  12. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    I found 10 items limit exactly both challenging and reasonable. So while more items always could add more variety, 10 was a perfect match for three major strategies which I was aiming to fight against. Main issue had been changes in the cost of an item. For example if you switch one weapon from blue-yellow token to yellow-yellow or you want to add better boots instead of tokenless ones - it is not that easy to make it into only 10 items. So it seems fine to me in that aspect as well.
    Only priest-war-wiz team might run into serious problems, as they cannot really swap items between characters (except shoes, shield, race slots - which don't matter much). But still 5 pairs of items is quite some number even if you decide to reassign a token.

    Oh. We really could use more store/restore slots! This would make it easier and faster between the games. 5 is nice, but usually already occupied by different PvP builds you don't want to discard.
  13. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    There's a thread for that, add your voice to it. Let's try to stay closer to the topic here. Thanks!
  14. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    Oh wow, so late to the party... have only just now seen this thread.
    It's official, work has taken over my life. :(
    thedoughster and Flaxative like this.
  15. Sisquinanamook

    Sisquinanamook Orc Soldier

    I wish good luck to all participants in the upcoming tournament.

    Someone suggested recording the tournaments. I would be very glad if somebody would do so.
    I am a 100% sure that I will not have the time to spectate any of the matches because in (and right after) the Christmas time I have tons of work to do. One of the Main reasons why I am not filed me in the tournament in the first place. ;)
    So if anyone of you can record the Matches and put them on Youtube I would be very thankful indeed, because this is a great idea and I would gladly participate in this as much as it is possible for me. Even if this only means watching some Youtube videos. :)

    I'd also like to thank Flaxative (and his little helpers ^^) for all the hard work and the time he/they is/are investing in this (the tournament and the peasant pvp itself).
    Good luck to you and I wish you the best that it all goes as planned!

    And to the Participants:
    May you all do well!

  16. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yep! I will be recording video footage of the matches and that footage will be on YouTube. I'll post it as it's available. I can't guarantee fantastic quality, but the tech works (I've been recording CH matches all day in preparation). :)
  17. thedoughster

    thedoughster Kobold

    I'm currently working in retail 6days a week as manager during the christmas time with 10hour days here and there.
    Just wanted to say, I still found time to register for this.
    LoL proud but sad at the same time :) :(
  18. Krizmn1

    Krizmn1 Mushroom Warrior

    I have to head to work. But how do I register my deck?
  19. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Krizmn1—it's at the bottom of the first post in this thread, something I've referred to a number of times.

    The (extended) deadline I put up for build registration has just passed.
    I don't have builds registered for: ItsEtai, kogi, Krizmn1, or StrictlyRockers.

    I will grant a 30-minute grace period before disqualifying these people. I have to ask that everyone who signed up stay on top of what's happening. Given the amount of demand for the limited slots in the tournament, dropping the ball is a huge disservice to those who didn't get in.

    Currently I have two alternates who have registered their builds with me, and who will be getting in the tournament if and when DQs happen in 30 minutes. If anyone else wants to put their names on that list, do it now and do it fast.
  20. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    This doesn't feel good, but...
    StrictlyRockers, kogi, and Kirzmn1 are hereby disqualified.

    TheShadowTitan, tuknir, and Stexe are in.

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