Test Build 1.47 (3 Dec 2013)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Jon, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Just a few new fixes from 1.45/1.46.

    • Adjusted matchmaking so that top tier players are more readily matched to human opponents.
    • Server distinguishes between accessible stores and qualified stores. Ensures that MP shops are restocked before being unlocked on campaign and users can buy or sell from them at any time.
    • Removed some old code from the server shop.
    • Tagged MP shops to identify them.
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Mouse-over items in starter pack are fouled up. The last active char visited in starter pack is used as comparison against the items in another starter pack. So going from dwarf in adventurer's pack to warrior in bash bros is fine. Going from wizard in adventurer's pack to warrior in bash bros now throw 'not usable' msgs when mousing over the warrior items. Simple blanket fix to suppress all starter pack item tooltip msg should work.

    Mouse-over items in reserve chars are throwing msgs as tho compared to active char on clipboard. So mousing over axe on warrior in reserve will throw 'not usable' if active char is a wizard.
    Farbs likes this.
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    resetted, got my amber shards. Went to MP lobby, click armory...Gary's prompt to sell shards, done. Blah blah, he asks me to buy a woodhome's Axe. Which I didn't and spent that 40 gold on two weapons (cleaver and old adze) instead. Exited the shop, went back to campaign...he still asks me to get an axe in armory. And I don't have 5 gold. Now the armory loads all the items when before, it is supposed to only have the axe.

    I sold my cleaver and old adze for 1 gold each. Sold pickled herring and blunt sword for 2 gold each to make a total of 6 gold.

    Then I bought a plain dagger for 5 gold and sold it for 1 gold to make a grand total of 2 gold and screw myself. :eek:

    erm, what is the rationale behind unlocking all shops before completely tutorial chain ? I know people want MP bad, but perhaps unlocking shops after tutorial chain makes a lot more sense, no ?
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Fixing these.
  5. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Now also The Goblin Bazaar in the MP lobby shows the New Items icon after restocking.

    I noticed this in the previous build when I started playing on the test server but forgot to mention it then:

    I went to Randimar's at the MP lobby almost immediately upon starting up a new account. I looked longingly at the completely impossibly prized goodies on offer, there were some doozies there. I continued SP play as normal and after a while, on the same day, came back to the shops (maybe after the shop concept is introduced, I forget the details). Randimar's had restocked. It no longer had The Good Stuff. This was on Friday so it was not the normal weekly restock.

    In the hypothetical case I was whale enough to go and buy Pizza with real money and convert it to gold to buy the sweet, sweet loot I saw earlier despite the exorbitant prizes, I would have been devastated. It was annoying teasing in any case. I could have conceivably powerplayed and farmed my fingers off to buy the best items before the next restock.
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I tested the above with a new account and the Randimar's restock happened the same way. I went there as soon as I was able and visited again after each tutorial stage. The restock occurred when I visited The Armory and sold the treasures and bought the axe. I visited Randimar's before and after doing that and after it the stock was completely different.
  7. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think I'll unlock the MP shops after the tutorial. I'll also make sure we warn about power tokens when first entering them.
  8. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    This is already working. Regardless of what renown or level I'm at, entering the kyburz market in sp/mp both trigger Gary's 1 time prompt on power tokens.
  9. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, but that prompt isn't quite right, since you can actually use power token items in MP much earlier than in the campaign. I've added a new set of prompts specific to MP.
  10. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Haven't tested before, and am probably not being super thorough, but I just registered on the test server and played a bit. I wanted to pop in and say that the renown banner and the new item hover layout both look good. One thing though is that it feels like for treasure you don't need quite as much space on the hover tooltip, it makes a big box that just says Level X Rarity Treasure. I guess uniformity is good but it feels like the tooltip could be a bit smaller on treasures.

    EDIT one thing that is a bit confusing is item rarity color. Now that it's more prominent—a huge rectangle at the top of the tooltip not unlike the quality indicators on cards—it's really weird that uncommons are roughly the same color as emerald-quality cards. Any thoughts on changing rarity to be paper-bronze-silver-gold-emerald instead of paper-green-blue-purple-orange?
  11. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    (Still on the tooltips) I like the change so that treasure items explain that they're unusable because they're treasure. Any chance that the "Not usable by this class/race" message could just say "Not usable by this class" or "Not usable by this race" depending on which it is in context?
  12. cpu70

    cpu70 Kobold

    Wow, the test server is really fast. I wish that the production server was as fast as the test server, so SP grinding will be much easier.
    Anyway, I incurred in two bugs that I think were solved in the production server: maybe they are related to the excessive responsiveness of the test server.
    1- when pressing the "Open Chest" button, the chest will open and then immediately closes.
    2- some cards in hand are stuck in the zoomed state and cover other cards in hand (I think this happen when you hover the mouse on a card when the computer deals a new hand)
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The speed difference might be related to the size of your inventory. Having a lot of items slows e.g. opening a shop or a battle a great deal. With a few thousand items the game becomes so slow you're eventually forced to sell a large part of the inventory to make the speed manageable. This happens also on the test server.

    With a new team and only a few items everything moves fast.
    Flaxative likes this.
  14. cpu70

    cpu70 Kobold

    I'm not referring to the speed of the inventory screen, but to the speed in-game when playing a card or selecting a target.
    The test server is extremely fast: you can play an adventure in mere seconds.
    The last time I experienced this kind of speed was in the beta server, just before the game was launched.
  15. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Ok, thanks for the elaboration!

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