There were some legendary items for sale at Randimar's that are not there anymore. I thought we had a week to decide on them - is that incorrect?
The Randimar items refresh on the night between Saturday and Sunday, midnight GMT (UTC) as far as I know.
yes, that's my point. i don't see the legendary items there today that i saw a few days ago after it refreshed. i.e., it has NOT refreshed and some items are missing. is that intentional (did too many others buy them and now i can't)?
Did you change your sorting somehow (just reaching here - possibly check that you have it set sort by rarity and no filters)? No item should be gone from your version of RR unless it's due to the weekly reset, or your purchasing the item - it has no relation to other people's stores.
well... i MUST have changed sorting or something because i can see them again now. i thought i had checked that, but i guess not. doink!