I didn't see any threads on the disconnect issue, so I thought I'd ask about an ETA. Just to clarify what I'm talking about: this is a new problem (just started today) where you lose your connection and, thus, the battle that you are in. I haven't timed it, but it's happened several times to me just before the end of a fight. This is a great deal more frustrating than the login queue or the other issues that have been such a problem since the end of the beta, so I'm holding off on playing any more until it's sorted. That's why I'm asking about it here - would appreciate a heads-up once it's resolved.
I don't suppose I could get an acknowledgement from someone that I'm not the only one experiencing this? It's made the game completely unplayable.
http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/complain-about-disconnects-here.1850/ If it's not due to temporary server issues (as it was yesterday), I suggest you post here for better response.
All right, thanks. I assume that it is server issues, but it's still going on today. Very consistently.
There was a time during the beta where this happened to me about once a day, but I've been fine since release.
I think for starters, you could either post to Support forum or check the stuff from your end. Anti-virus, firewalls, flashplayer, browser plugins, wireless, bandwidth etc... Or try a different PC altogether ? Anything that would help the devs figure out what's wrong.
Nothing has changed on my end. Everything was fine during the beta and for the initial days after launch, this just started yesterday. I posted this with the assumption that it was widespread - there have been a number of issues since launch and I had thought, still think, that this was a bug that was introduced after a patch or a change that happened yesterday. What puzzles me is that there aren't more people with this issue: as I said, I've changed nothing about my computer or setup and it's a very consistent problem. It happens pretty soon after I log in, every time I log in. I don't have another computer to test this with, but I do have another browser... and it seems to working fine in Opera, played four missions in a row without issue. Huh. It was with Firefox that I was getting all the disconnects and I've tested again with Firefox just now to make sure that the problem is still happening - it is.
That's strange. The browser you're using *shouldn't* make much of a difference. The connection to the server doesn't really care where the connection is coming from, as long as the right messages are coming across. I'll take a look and see if there's anything in our logs that can give us a hint to why you'd be having problems from Firefox but not Opera. Are both Firefox and Opera running the same version of Flash?
Yes, the same version: 11.7.700.224. The only significant difference that I can think of is my plugins - I use Noscript, Flashblock, and Ghostery in Firefox. Naturally though, I have cardhunter.com on "allow" and, like I said, everything worked fine prior to Sunday.
Didn't the live build switch from live.cardhunter.com to game.cardhunter.com at release? This is grasping at straws, but not sure how sensitive those settings are. Did you try turning them off just to verify something didn't get updated on the sly? That's happened to me with flash and adblock in the past.
I've been getting this as well. In MP matches (I haven't been game to try more than a couple of times due to this bug - not fair to waste opponents time) it times out around 8min left on my clock. It is regularly happening in the campaign matches as well. I thought it may have been my internet connection but with a bit of inspection my connection has been stable - just CH that's dropping out. It's very annoying and has rendered the game unplayable for the time being.
Give it a try with Opera? I've been playing off an on with that all day and haven't had any trouble so far. It's slightly annoying to fire up a different browser just for this, but not really a big deal.
I only have Firefox installed unfortunately. I may have to install a different browser and check it out though.
It's certainly a lot better. Tried with Firefox again and was able to play for a decent amount of time, but got another disconnect after maybe forty minutes. Can't say whether that was just a one-off thing.
Well it haven't solved my issues the games is laggy and disconnects way too often. It's great that j-wiz likes the fact that for 1 guy it solved the issued but your servers are just bad. Really bad. When you play a game you pay for you expect more fix this finally ! No other games give me connection problems, for one the reconnect timer is to short and it happens way to often. My connection is fine, I'm connected to 2 separate networks and I have connection with other pages just fine when I dc with card hunter. SO PLZ fix it finally because when you try to win and keep you'r rating high and get a disconnect with low level player or anybody IT'S REALLY FRUSTRATING !
If you're still having problems, it's not related to the couple of recent server issues (idle timeout bug last week and yesterday's adventure progression lag issue). We're working on getting players back into their battles after a disconnect. Hopefully those efforts can get back on track now that we're able to let many more people on without needing a login queue to keep the server running. If you could, the next time you're having problems with your connection, send me a traceroute. Maybe there's something in that route causing the frequent disconnects you're having.