Q's about Starter pack

Discussion in 'Support' started by oraculum, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. oraculum

    oraculum Kobold

    I had a couple of questions about the Starter pack and some of the things that came along with it.

    1. Are the treasure hunts repeatable? If so, do they always reward a same level epic item?
    2. With the 9 figures, do you get to choose which ones? If not, which ones do you get?
    3. Is the club real life time or /played time? Is there a way to pause it if you go on vacation?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    To avoid any confusing, you're talking about the Basic Edition. There are some multiplayer packs that are called starters, so I don't get anyone confused - better safe than sorry!

    1) Repeatable - if part of cardhunter club, gives extra epic item first time. On every other attempt they count as regular adventures (random loot).
    2) They are the opposite gender of all the basic picks for every race - they're the one shown in the picture on the pizza menu, as well.
    3) The club is real time. Sadly no pause atm.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    1. Yes, but they act just like a normal dungeon on repeats (1 guaranteed uncommon in final chest).
    2. No, you get the 9 shown in the image advertising the Basic Edition, which cover all race/class combos but the opposite gender from the free ones.
    3. I believe real life, and no. There have been suggestions about not counting days when you don't open any chests.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Also, forums are weird. For me it says I posted 6 minutes ago, and Kalin 4 - yet my post is listed above his for me. Someone call the Twilight Zone police!

    (probably just a display error on my end due to posting at the same time)
  5. oraculum

    oraculum Kobold

    OOh, sneakies... If I buy the Basic edition then I can get two epics for all those treasure hunts... niiiice.

    Thanks for the info guys.

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