Vanishing Character

Discussion in 'Support' started by thanatobunny, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. thanatobunny

    thanatobunny Kobold

    I started Caverns of the trogledytes only to find that my warrior just up and vanished, now I only have two characters! obviously its not a huge deal but after having everything from the beta reset its pretty discouraging to now have my highest level and best equipped character just up and vanish
  2. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Hi Thanatobunny,

    Did it happen mid-game? Is your log-in name Thanatobunny as well?
  3. thanatobunny

    thanatobunny Kobold

    I had just finished a module then started the caverns of the trogs and that's when i noticed I only had two characters, so yeah essentially mid-game, and yup my login is thanatobunny as well
  4. thanatobunny

    thanatobunny Kobold

    I just decided to power through the module with only the two characters, afterwards I decided to check the keep in hopes that somehow my fighter would re-appear, and he did! he was there and able to be added back into the party, not sure what happened but I am glad its all fine now
  5. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Okay, that's...good? Keep an eye out and let us know if it goes all pear-shaped again!

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