Three Characters for First Adventure

Discussion in 'Support' started by koriar, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. koriar

    koriar Kobold


    When I was doing the first adventure the quest bugged out and I ended up with three characters. Specifically the next line of text from Gary about exiting the tavern didn't show up and when I did exit the second area didn't appear. I recruited two more characters thinking that's what I was supposed to do, but nothing showed up. After I reloaded I only had two characters and upon recruiting a third Based on the text I'm guessing I'm only supposed to have one warrior.

    I've had to reset the second part of the adventure twice now because I beat the enemies and it freezes. Maybe I'm completing it too quickly with three people? It's expecting to give me more of a tutorial?

    I got through the adventure by having the other two members hang back, but now when I recruit a wizard I can't add her to my party because it's full. The button to add her is greyed out and I don't see anywhere that I can remove current party members.

    I thought that maybe failing the adventure after retrying three times might reset the characters, but after trying that all I see on the campaign screen is the tavern, and nothing happens when I enter it. I still have the three warriors and the wizard.

    Is there anything that I can do here? Or should I request an account reset?

  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I think Current party members can only be removed in the keep - if you've not unlocked it there might be a problem with that. You're correct in assuming you should only be able to recruit 1 character at the start - and this is what is causing problems. I experienced this issue myself - but only got one warrior. However, when I got to the tavern my first warrior was gone.

    This is a bug I never saw, and I played through the beta a couple of times. So maybe they changed something just before launch we didn't catch.
  3. koriar

    koriar Kobold

    Ok, got it! After the server reboot I came back and the adventure areas were back on the map. I don't know if there's a separate campaign keep, but I was able to delete the extra characters from the multiplayer keep, and then add the wizard back in the tavern. Thank you for pointing me towards the keep. :)

    Pengw1n likes this.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Good point about the mp keep Koriar, can work as a workaround for anyone else getting stuck like that!
  5. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Please let us know if this continues. Also, mad props to Pengw1n for all your help!

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