Matches are best 2 out of 3 Loser picks the map. The choices are: Fores, Dungeon, Cave, Bridge, Temple Tussle, Streams of blood. Round 1 - Forest "Finished" Gabbek - Pengw1n 2-1 Forest 0-1 Dungeon 1-0 Cave 1-0 ImMara - Dugrim 1-2 Forest: 0-1 Dungeon: 1-0 Bridge: 0-1 SurgeonFish - Wolzarg 0-2 Forest 0-1 Bridge0-1 Round 2 - Cave "Finished" Dugrim - Gabbek 0-2 Pengw1n - Wolzarg 1-2 Cave 1-0 Forest 0-1 Cave 0-1 ImMara - SurgeonFish 1-1 Round 3 - Bridge "Finished" Gabbek - Wolzarg 1-1 Dugrim - SurgeonFish 1-1 Pengw1n - ImMara 0-2 Round 4 - Temple Tussle "Active" SurgeonFish - Gabbek Wolzarg - ImMara Dugrim - Pengw1n Round 5 - Streams of Blood "Waiting" Gabbek - ImMara SurgeonFish - Pengw1n Wolzarg - Dugrim If a pairing never gets played both players receive a draw
Join - dugrim I agree with the idea of same decks and teams, even if I love to play an "All-Attack-Dwarves" deck/team!
Join - Pengw1n. Yes, same decks would make it more fun - feels more like a tournament. Best out of 3 depending on how long matches usually take - is it feasible?
Well generally a match takes 10-15 minutes so 3 matches would go for slightly less than a hour a bit more if decks are really slow and grindy. The real question is if people care enough about consistency over luck to make the commitment.
Since this is a test run I'd say 1 hour matches might be a bit steep? Then again, that's my opinion. Luck vs Skill might matter more in "real" tournaments.
Seams like a fair point ill let people weight in on the subject and majority wins with the default mode being 1 match if people don't care enough to vote on the subject
I'm good with either best of 3 or best of 1 but i would realy love to use my own decks, perhaps 2 different tourny groups, a best of 1 your deck and a best of 3 identical decks? Perhaps we can think of some sneaky point buy for items... *ponders -join peasant
This is causing a lot of confusion if someone could help me word it better i would appreciate that. The idea isn't that we are all forced to play identical decks but that we each play the deck we personally made and decided on using through every round without changing party members or items on them.
If we play best of 3 matches i would be fine with it and thats what your asking for i assume. Taking thoughts on this guys so tell me what you think. Will add another few minutes to the time it takes so keep that in mind. Too make this more clear to non ccg players basically you would be given a few minutes between matches to swap out some items to better match you against your opponent. So if they use all 4 armor you pick up some shredding and penetrating attacks on your warrior and so on.
Seams like it will be best of three right now teemo just so you know are you fine with that or does your join only apply in case of best of one?