Emailing the request to from the email account used to verify your Card Hunter account would probably work best. This would help verify you are who you say you are, and are not trying to delete or reset someone else's account. (As @BlackVoidDeath requested in the post following yours.) I hope this helps.
Hello, you can delete my accounts from your account ( JokeNn ; sagflsakflksdfisadfjm ; JoklenJI ; FreeDrink ; Jokenppppp )
/me points to all the other threads in the Support subforum… /me points to all the other posts in this very thread... Write for resets. And when you're reset, welcome back to Cardhuntria! $:^ }
Can you delete some of my accounts im on steam version(Hatsuma)(SHDWHatsuma)(Hatsune)and(ShadowHatsuma).