New player, Campaign isn't continuing

Discussion in 'Support' started by xland44, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. xland44

    xland44 Kobold

    Okay, so I started playing yesterday night, and got up to the point where it asks me to recruit a mage. After recruiting it, I entered a dungeon, but I went to sleep with the game still running.
    After logging back in several hours later, it disconnected me from the match, so I ran through all my dungeons again. I now have a party of three characters, levels 3,2,2. How do I continue the campaign quests?

    the last quest I remember is to recruit a member, which I've already done. Gary hasn't showed up again and it's hard to progress with only 4 dungeons, of which all are exhausted already.
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    There is a bug about this. You can fix it by closing and opening the client/refresh.
    Pengw1n likes this.
  3. xland44

    xland44 Kobold

    Fixed it. Thanks!

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