Test Build 3.76.0 (30 Sep 2015)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Jon, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. The back sprite for this particular dwarf wizard seems to be failing to load:
  2. ArnieBear

    ArnieBear War Monkey

    Run #1
    Total Time: 69 minutes
    Battles Won: 6

    Wow, some of these battles are tough - love the mode though
    Flaxative likes this.
  3. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    23 mins 4 won
    4 mins 0 won
    45 mins - 6 won
    48 mins - 7 won (ARGH, flipping wyverns)
    33 mins - 5 won
    LeisureSuitLoli likes this.
  4. After 40 or so runs I was able to make it to the Throne Room of Chaos once more.

    Music credit: Not me.

    Still lost though. But I was able to last more than 1 round.
  5. ArnieBear

    ArnieBear War Monkey

    Run #2
    Total Time: 50 minutes
    Battles Won: 5
  6. 40c_rudy

    40c_rudy Lizardman Priest

    Run #1
    Total Time: 35 minutes
    Battles Won: 5

    Run #2
    Total Time: 28 minutes
    Battles Won: 4

    Run #3
    Total Time: 21 minutes
    Battles Won: 3

    Run #4
    Total Time: 18 minutes
    Battles Won: 4

    Run #5
    Total Time: 20 minutes
    Battles Won: 4

    Run #6
    Total Time: 35 minutes
    Battles Won: 6

    Run #7
    Total Time: 23 minutes
    Battles Won: 3

    Run #8
    Total Time: 19 minutes
    Battles Won: 4

    Run #9
    Total Time: 15 minutes
    Battles Won: 3

    Run #10
    Total Time: 40 minutes
    Battles Won: 7

    A fun fact that shows the chaotic randomness of CoC is that my runs used to be better in the previous build, even though the extra hp helps a lot. On another note, i think that like 80% of my losses have been in maps where i faced either wyverns or robots/turrets.
    LeisureSuitLoli likes this.
  7. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    19 mins - 4 wins (my hate for adult wyverns is renewed. Honestly, at least a fifth of my losses are due to these guys)

    Bug: (probably just a spawn error)
    On this awesome map in round 4 there is a missing security robot. The robot acted as a minion(1 action per turn)
    Coc 5.jpg
  8. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    No, this is correct. That board has way fewer spawn points per monster group than most of the maps. The bot only acts once because it is still a minion (the other minion in its group just happened to not spawn).
    timeracers likes this.
  9. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    32 mins - 4 wins. Young Wyverns killed me this time around.

    Ok, so if some monsters don't spawn on certain maps, it's alright, no need to report? Is that the only map or are there a few more like that?
  10. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I think there might be 2 or 3 maps that have fewer spawns. The only 'bug' is if there're fewer than 3 groups, or no spawns at all, which I think I took care of in the latest update. Thanks :)
  11. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    40 mins - 7 wins (managed to beat adult wyverns round 5 this time, followed by young wyverns round 6. Revenge! Lost to trolls with umber bulks to send me towards them)
    8 mins - 0 wins

    Thanks for the clarification.
  12. Attempt 1: 20 minutes, ended with wyverns sparking me to death from across the map.
    Attempt 2: 30 minutes, plant pygmies kept poisoning my team and there was nothing I could do about it.
    Attempt 3: 10 minutes. I quit the map when I had an all dwarf team against 3 frost imps and 3 frost sprites. It was too much effort for such a frustrating scene.
    Attempt 4: 13 minutes. Wyverns and crossbows cut down my team in a couple of rounds.
  13. DupleX

    DupleX Champion of Cardhuntria

    So my flash player crashed as a map was just loading and when I refreshed and re-entered CoC I got sent back to the chest page from the previous stage and got a new map when I advanced (which I lost :().
  14. DupleX

    DupleX Champion of Cardhuntria

    @Flaxative if it isn't a difficult conversion process can we get the new monsters/heroes included in the scenario editor for the next build? I specifically would like the legendary heroes and the new bosses (if there are any I remember you saying there were 7, but can't think of 7 bosses already in-game).
  15. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    It might just be 6 bosses, I'll check.
    I don't think I'm going to add the new premade characters (including legendaries) to the scenario editor at this time. I may be convinced down the road. Maybe in future months.
  16. DupleX

    DupleX Champion of Cardhuntria

    Fair enough, I only ask because I want to do some legendary hero themed MM scenarios. :)
    Melancthon likes this.

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