The balance to high damage cards is the requirement to stand right next to the target. All of the 10-17 damage cards require getting in close and...
Dodge + Rushing Aura = Dodge has keep on it and every time you succeed with it, you can move 3 squares in any direction instead of 1. Makes melee...
Advanced Command and Nifty Halberd are the two that stand out the most to me. Sprint, Team! is difficult to get and is very strong on 2+ Warrior...
Flame Spit is single target. It puts a DoT (Damage over Time) on the target and assuming no damage prevention, deals a total of 8 damage after...
I'm looking at a few arcane items and was wondering what you guys think/value: Hurricane Stone, Pin of the Painful Mirage, and Sizzling Chain....
I'm running Mouse Boots on my wizard in the campaign and moving out of cover to cast is quite handy.
I could see moving someone out of stab range, but there's plenty of 2+ step attacks that are popular like Vicious Thrust, and Dancing Cut.
That's an impressive setup. /jealous
I'm seeing some items with Barge on them and I don't see the value. It appears to be a melee version of Telekinesis, but melee classes already...
That looks awesome. Do you just sit front row with a keyboard and mouse?
I've got Hammer of Bashing and Spear of Dancing. What do you guys think? All of the bashes might be fun and I've never seen an item with...
Hacking the Gibson
Around level four or five Gary tells you about multi-player (MP) and gives you a free Adventurer MP Starter which includes three more characters...
Some Imps have the card Scuttle which gives a Free Move and some have Teleport Self which makes all moves Teleports.
Separate names with a comma.