Just got the API services started up again. Its log directory permissions got changed, probably during a system update, so it refused to start up.
Jon occasionally casts the "summon j-wiz" spell for help with server work, but it's mostly him. :)
Hopefully there's nothing new on the server once that piece is done, aside from some new server hardware. And (as should be obvious), the forums...
That's almost definitely Steam applying an exchange rate based on your location. All the Card Hunter prices are shown in the game in USD. My guess...
It's definitely at the top of our list of things to work on. The new server hardware helped some, in that it took a bunch more users to get to the...
In case you're on a Mac running Yosemite (like me) and run into this, there are a couple other things to try: 1) Open System Preferences, go into...
The way it's set up, you get the option to connect your Steam account to your existing account only when it first detects a first-time Steam...
Unless it has changed since I last worked on it and I didn't notice, the Steam version does support using Steam Wallet.
Yeah, that's definitely local network or ISP blocking the ports. Depending on your ISP at the new location, they might have instructions to...
I might have missed his timezone by a few hours, but it's still his birthday here from what I understand, so: Happy birthday, Pengw1n!
The problem is only in the general chat forum, but the other forums are fine?
That's definitely a cached version of the index.htm file for the site. It's missing a div that's meant to contain the swf to copy the saved...
Should probably bring up the Oozeball feedback in the thread for build 2.21 so Jon knows it still applies after the reduction in VPs in that build. :)
That's probably correct. The settings are saved per-machine instead of per-account. Obviously that has to be the case for login information, since...
Along with the saved login information, other saved settings like the various volume settings also had to be fixed up, so check on those as well.
Separate names with a comma.