A feeling they experienced as a result of an observation. Its not like they were sitting in their room alone with the lights off staring at a wall...
Having level 18 characters in SP would have an actual gameplay effect on the game as it would allow you to wear token and have HP above what you...
I understand and completely disagree with their assessment. It is my belief that if these people approach the situation with a different...
Yeah I believe you are confusing the rarities shop with the Goblin bazaar. The Rarities shop opens almost immediately and has not only high level...
Entertainment ;) C'mon those analogies were hilarious.
I did explain that the perception is a result of poor information at the time, and I did suggest a fix:
So what feeling do you get seeing a level 18 common when you understand the token system? I would imagine it would be "oh here is a poorly...
It matters because of the token system. You cannot gear out in all high token gear. That double yellow token common axe is crap because it...
Better is relative. A level 18 common item is going to look better than their level 6 epic to a noob because it seems to have better cards and...
The problem as I see it is that this person doesn't realize that by tomorrow (in the analogy) where you can finally use the revolver, by that time...
In my case it made me want to level more so I could use the cool new items and get more high level stuff. Just because some people don't like it...
True, but if you Vicious Thrust and they step away, all those 11+ attacks in your hand are useless, whereas more step attacks and possibly polearm...
You are assuming both warriors would be built the same with the only exception being that one card. If a warrior built a deck around Polearm...
I disagree that Vicious Thrust is strictly better than Impaling Stab, let alone much better. The stab does more damage, doesn't place you adjacent...
The difficulty does ramp up, but I think the main issue is that at some point, a persons default generic strategy and loadout that they use for...
Separate names with a comma.