Test Build 2.54.0 (15 Oct 2014)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Jon, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Just another minor build as we work towards releasing this. The hidden bandit should be working now!

    • Fixed the premade parties screen name.
    • Some typo fixes for module text.
    • Misc. story fixes.
    • Moved all players into World chat room, kept Lobby concept for MP player lists but removed lobby chat
    • Made titlebar close button more visible, removed drag affordance lines. I guess there's a reason both Amiga Workbench and OS X stopped using them back in the nineties.
    • Added Block button to casual game invite panel
    • Added the hidden bandit.
    • Fixed loot fairy prompt appearing when replaying adventures.
    • Add back the Halloween store.
    • Make Halloween figures available.
    • Tweaked user search results to return only active, non-AI accounts
    • Fixed user search returning empty results on non-dev servers
  2. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    So no plans to enable the fairy or the bandit to appear in replayed adventures if the normal adventures were already played before it moved there?
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Merged chat and private rooms work well between SP and MP, though the private rooms give no indication whether the other player is online or not.

    And thanks for the friends search! Now I can finally friend certain SP players, and get a list of all my test server accounts.
  4. It seems there is a slight bit of audio lag when you start a game. The card draw sounds aren't synched to the animations.

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