Was stabbed by the Lizardmen (ouch!) whilst holding Mail, Reliable Hide and Unreliable Block. The armour both triggered, but the block did not. I don't think it's a facing / cover issue, but that's the only thing I can think of.
D-d-d-d-dumbass award goes to le me! Also no damage type specifically ignores block or armor that is based on the cards and keywords.
Actually now i was being a dumbass again... poison ignores armor non of the other types ignore armor or blocking ... Think before you post you silly dimwit me!
Beta testing is challenging for Card Hunter...I have never before encountered so many interaction chains in one swift brutal action.... Boggles the mind, I'll say..
Hmm, yeah, I can't see any reason that the Block shouldn't have triggered unless, as was mentioned, you were facing away before the attack happened. Let us know if you see something like this again?