Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Would you play Vibrant Pain right now if you had it? Maybe I'll dust mine off for a few matches to try them out.

    What do people think about Leomunk's Kickin' Boots?
  2. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    This week. . . wow.

    Iberial's Boots - eh. I have other shoes with 2x Shimmering Aura
    Kazmir's Staff - if they de-nerf Freeze
    Knife Of St. Blenko - I don't love Inspiring Presence, but maybe I should
    Luke's Iron Hand - even with new Telekinesis, I don't think so
    Mokk's Boots - I have one copy, don't need a second
    Quinn's Buckler - we had a few debates about Shield Of Ultimate Dodging not having any blocks. I'll think about this one. Wait, I have 3x Jackrabbit Shield. Probably pass, then.
    Reaper's Scythe - WANT
    Staff Of Embers - want
    Staff Of The Arctic - want, encumber nerfs keep this from being ALLCAPS
    Ulrin's Scuttling Socks - Ulrin's Leaping Loafers?
    St. Olf's Fiery Pike - WANT (Ok, I can easily afford this)
    Staff Of Chask - do I need a third one? Especially if I already have Heartripper?
    Voltstaff - not bad

    Plan -- purchase the pike, sell excess/treasures to afford the scythe, farm like hell for everything else
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
  3. Happenstance

    Happenstance Thaumaturge

    Hmmm, should I farm my little pants off for Red Flame this week? Very tempting, but I'm 900gp short and I'm scared that something better will come up in the next week or so. Advice?
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I've even bought it yesterday. It's a decent niche weapon to backstab your enemies or penetrate their walls.

    Good boots to hasten some dwarf warrior. Much better than my Twipp's Energy Boots for a yellow token IMHO.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I was the man who argued against Shield the Ultimate Dodging, but it was another world. Now almost nobody plays encumbrance, so Dodge is much stronger. And Weak Parry got buffed too, so this shield is better than Jackrabbits. You have a lot of more interesting goodies though :)

    Yes, it's the best treasure in your assortment. Probably the most powerful weapon in the game, considering the Dodge raising.
    Also very very good. I'm playing it all the way.
    Why do you want it? Cone of Cold is easy to obtain from arcane items. Good staves generally have stronger attacks.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    "Something tempting" will come up every week now :) Only you can decide what is more important to you. Personally I'd prefer White Flame, but I don't have even Red, alas.
  7. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My Randimar keeps "a week of duplicates"...

    Bleneth's Skull. Uber-powerful, but I have one. Do you think I may need a second one? My usual 2 warriors + priest party draws the 4th MF from St. Bethan's Charm, and I feel that's enough. But opponents may play Purges (and many really do), plus the vampire priest party absolutely needs the MF all the time. What do you think?
    Darkblood Glaive. The same picture, but this time I'm pretty sure that I don't need a 2nd copy having 5 Savage Curses from the first one and Skull Of Savage Iljin. Why don't you sell me a second Skull, Randimar???
    Duncan's Leather Cap. This is interesting. I have Helm Of Reinforcement, but Reliable Hide is a crap, plus warriors rarely have a yellow token to spare. This may be the best budget helmet to improve my armor. My armored warrior currently wears Yolotli Armor and Captain Cedric's Helm, but adding more chances to Barbed Platemail would be at least funny if not effective enough.
    Hawlic's Robes. Crap: the mage isn't going to have much armor to pump. Plus, I have one already...
    Mail Of St. Oxivia. Looks like a good replacement for Untouchable Plate, since Firestorm got nerfed, and I don't need Holy Armor that much. But I may need a 6th Savage Curse!
    Massive Harm. Crap.
    Robes Of Avak Set. Utter crap.
    Robes Of White Wylla. Again a duplicate. But I'm going to buy it, since I will play two wizards :) Arcane Shell is very, very powerful now. Or maybe I should spend a yellow token elsewhere?
    Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch. Nice item, and - guess what? - not a duplicate. Still, I am going to skip it, since Glob Of Flame isn't the strongest fire attack, so I'm not going to pay a yellow token for this. I wish it were a Miligar's Dragon Tongue.
    Twipp's Energy Boots. No. I'm not going to pay a yellow token for this, even though it could make a dwarf run like an elf. Or maybe I should? I feel there will be some crazy leagues where movement will be everything.

    I'm planning to buy one epic, Flashing Longspear. Nice penetrating weapon with a boost. I have one already though - but it's a week of duplicates after all :)

    It would be very nice to hear your opinion on these goodies!
  8. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Man, I'm spoiled for choice this week as are many since the change. Need some help deciding.

    Bleneth's Frenzy Charm I really like this one, but i do have Huetotl's Firebrand and Bleneth's Skull and St. Olaf's Firey Pike so i feel like i have good options for Mass frenzy. I'd love to hear peoples first hand accounts on this item.

    Golden Wings certainly the most efficient way to get wings of faith, but i do have 2 already and im not sure if a 3rd is worth the cost when there is so much else to buy.

    Lt. Buckwell's Strapping Seems like a good tokenless especially if i was making an armor build but my inclination is to wait for no brainer like Captain Cedric's Helm

    Mordecai's Staff Of Magma This one is interesting because flash of agony and volcano seem like the most logical runners up for firestorm farming. But at 2 yellow tokens i could only use it for high lvls. Opinions?

    Vibrant Pain And finally i see my first one but of course pre nerf. If they hadnt nerfed the dmg from 6 to 4 i would consider it a no brainer but now im not so sure.

    I've stashed a good amount of gold but if i bought all of these it would nearly wipe me out and im sure there will be more no doubters coming down the line soon with randimar's expanded selection these days. Any opinons are welcome and appreciated!
  9. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    I've found the charm useful, particularly since you can stack the Unholy Frenzy on top of Mass Frenzy.

    Does Wings Of Faith get any play outside of Wicked Waterways? I can't imagine using it on a regular map.
  10. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, good point. And even so i think two should be sufficient so i'll strike it from the list of maybes.
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I have the charm, but never used it. Unholy Frenzy looks too weak to be played, and while it could be nice to stack it with Mass Frenzy, one Purge will completely destroy your plans.

    I'd say the Wings of Faith lost some value after the rebalance since Flight Aura became permanent, and Winged Track Shoes can provide your character flying.

    This is the most powerful Volcano staff, so it's a no brainer.

    It can see play on some maps, but it isn't a no brainer anymore, of course. Most importantly, Nimble Strike now allows your warrior to jump behind the enemy and block his way to retreat.

    I'd buy Mordecai's Staff and Vibrant Pain, if you have the gold.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Guys, I'm sure you have your own opinion on every item; why don't you share it? :) I really need your help on two items: Bleneth's Skull and Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch.

    Having thought a bit about the Skull, I've explored the Mass Frenzy items and noticed that St. Olf's Fiery Pike and Huetotl's Firebrand have 2 MF each. Thus, I can have 5 without the second Skull. On the other hand, the vampire priests don't want the non-vampire weapons, but they direly need MF. I've never played the vampire priests myself... would you buy a second Bleneth's Skull for them or not?
    As for the Smoag's Bucket, my situation radically changed when Lord Batford left me White Flame yesterday :) The very first attempt to build a fire wizard revealed that yellow token isn't a problem at all: there are not enough good yellow token items for the build. I have Avakiria's Cup and Wym's Fiery Bangle and value them both higher than the Bucket, since Flame Jet can hit several targets. My current build uses White Flame, Staff Of Million Embers, the Cup, the Bangle, Perfect Toughness and Focused Pyromancy, so I simply have no tokens for the Bucket. Maybe I should dump Perfect Toughness for it?
  13. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    If you didn't have bleneth's frenzy skull I'd say buy, but since you already do then hard to say, as noted its not really that hard to pull mass frenzies. Specific to your question with vamps no idea but I do know they often have yellow tokens available so should be easier to fit in, 2 skulls in this case might be a pretty good idea since you won't have to sacrifice vamp weapon space. I'd probably run the bleneth legendary blue token version on one of them though, just for the chance to add unholy frenzy to the stack.

    smoag's bucket is another card with inherent consistency so therefore has obvious value, but personally wouldn't buy since glob of flame is so easily available and in many cases 2x for (minortoken). Avakira's cup is superior because the value of stacking different types of burns outweighs pure consistency in this case imo, and it's cheaper tokenwise anyway. Now if you are rich like sir veza I'd say buy it, but from a frugal standpoint say pass.
  14. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I wouldn't pay 2500 gold for the buckler, it isn't the best in its category.

    This staff is really good for one token, so I'd buy it, but I don't think it's better than White Flame. Four Instant Burns isn't enough; ideally you would want one on every turn.
  17. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Personally i would buy the second Bleneth's Skull because if you are using it for vamp priests then there is no more efficient way to get MF and make your build as consistent as possible. Yellow tokens are available in abundance on vamp priests, and freeing up a weapon slot and still having 3MF is huge IMO. Now if you are using Bleneth's Skull for a regular support priest, a second one is kind of excessive, but for vamps (which are really good right now) i would say go for it.

    As for Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch, if you have White Flame and Staff Of Million Embers you are only using 2 yellow tokens for your weapons. What else in your build would you be using yellow tokens on? Because if you have a spare yellow then there is no more consistent way to get Glob Of Flame. I dont play a fire wiz but im building one and i would figure this should be on my radar. That being said you do have very good alternative options in Avakiria's Cup and Wym's Fiery Bangle so you could afford to pass and save your money for something thats a no brainer.
    wavy likes this.
  18. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    My fire wizard uses Rantic's Orb Of Inner Fire. Don't see why not, unless you are crazy about having only 100% fire attacks in the deck.

    PS: Krodis, Why would you even think of buying a third Golden Wings?? Crazy man.

    PPS: Ector, Miligar's Dragon Tongue was in the Daily Deal a week ago.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I'd happily use it if I had it :) Moreover, if you look at my "dream build" http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/instant-burn-help-me-out.6067/, you'll see two Rantic's Orbs there.

    I'm happy to know this, but I was on a vacation without Internet access at the time :(
  20. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Haha, only asked in case there was a use i hadnt thought of, like a particular pvp map that cycles through. I dont play much except for league these days. I figured there was no way i would need a 3rd but ive been corrected by the community before :)

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