[Suggestion] Leagues - a different view

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Phaselock, May 9, 2014.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    From my pov, the beauty of the league system is

    a) entry fee is flexible
    b) prize structure is flexible
    c) gameplay is flexible
    d) ranking is flexible

    a) Instead of lowering the entry fees as a 'set in stone policy', it may be better to create varying levels of leagues. Taking from rl leagues like the English Premier League, Division 1 League etc. If players are willing to spend 50piz for a premier league spot, why not ? Keep in mind that the bulk of feedback on forums do not constitute the majority's voice. If players are only willing to spend 10piz, why not ? Then again, why can't a league rotation have varying entry fees with different types of leagues to accommodate the playerbase ?

    b) Not all winners wants figures, or only chests, or pizza. Varying the prize structure gives incentive for different players to engage the league. Vary the entry fee, vary the prizes. Granted the prize types are limited right now but that is not an obstacle, merely a timeline and development constraint.

    c) Devs can create gameplay designs beyond just fixed/player built decks. For instance, arena types battles, holding the fort, mauve manticore entries etc. Some coding effort is required, but this is where player feedback and custom builders become impt. What type of league do YOU want to play ? Do you want to defend a territory ? Or a single player series of challenges ? Or unlimited time death match ?

    d) I read a lot of feedback about the tiebreak and scoring system. The ugly truth is this: there is no perfect league system that cannot be gamed, both in the real world or in virtual space. Hence, sports rigging and matchfixing. So ? Make point scoring flexible. Today, we have scoring based on VPs. Tomorrow, make scoring based on some other variable, like hp or time used etc... Mix it up.

    There you have it, four ways to spice the league and keep variety going. Comments welcome. :)
    progammer and neoncat like this.
  2. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

  3. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    <Troll>Next league will cost 100 pizza to enter and will reward Vibrant Pain to the first.</Troll>
  4. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Maybe not a direct item reward. Collectable craftable item fragments (suggested before) that can be exchanged for a specific item might be more attractive. We would need a special shop for that. ;)
  5. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I just posted my response before reading this. :(

    I agree that league needs more than 1 pricing structure. The reasons are provided in the post above, as well as an example of how it will play out.

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