Wondering about the upcoming fixed deck leagues? Want to see what's in the monster decks you get to use? I've updated the league description pages with full deck lists: Artifact Anarchy Clash of Geomancers
Clash of Geomancers: Brother Clay/Brother Stone Weak Block (2) is appearing twice in the list. Also deck sizes are all different, dunno if it was meant to be but reporting just in case. They have in the order of the list 33, 32 and 30 cards. As for the Artifact anarchy, they all have 30 cards. edit: Scuttle (1) is appearing twice in Friar Roq/Friar Lump deck. If I remove the cards that appear twice, that brings the totals to 32, 30 and 30. So still 2 extra cards for the first deck. I suspect Weak Block (2) to be those cards as the geomancers don't seem to be sharing copies of cards. edit2: seems like all 3 decks have weak block x2 so dunno what the 2 extra cards are.
Nice catch, it should actually be 4 x Weak Block and 2 x Scuttle. Deck sizes are allowed to vary for monsters.
I know y'all are probably in a last minute rush... but noting what I'm noticing. 1) Wings Of Faith and Flash Of Agony links aren't linking to the Wiki, even though the wiki pages are up (these are the only three word cards in the list, don't know if that has any effect). 2) Would be great to have the racial move identified for each character too! EDIT: Looks like the links from here aren't working either - Wiki issue? @Phaselock
The card macro in the forums appears to force Capitalization Of Each Word Like So. Although your post literally contains "[CARD]Wings of Faith[/CARD]", it gets rendered as "Wings Of Faith". Hence, generated url: http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Cards/Wings_Of_Faith (broken) And correct url: http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Cards/Wings_of_Faith
Ok, I was originally noticing it because it wasn't linking from the deck lists for the Artifact Anarchy League, but it's probably the same problem as the forum problem.