Didn't get my Gold chest

Discussion in 'Support' started by TheShadowTitan, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. TheShadowTitan

    TheShadowTitan #3 in Spring PvP Season

    I won my first game of the day in MP but when I was on the rating change window, I got connection Lost and when I logged in again I was in the normal MP window, so I wasn't able to open my gold chest. Is any possibility to get it back?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    As I recall it, you'll have recieved the items from the chest even if you didn't get to open when disconnects occur and no backtrack is possible. But I guess it's hard for you to check as you likely have a large collection.
  3. TheShadowTitan

    TheShadowTitan #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Are u sure? I didn't enter open chest window, I entered rating change window and I got disconected
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    BM made some changes to how chests handled disconnects or not being opened a while back, so I believe your account is likely to be credited the items in the chest. Not 100% positive of course - this would require a dev to check your account. Also, have you progressed on the chest tracker since this, did opening the next chest occur normally?
  5. TheShadowTitan

    TheShadowTitan #3 in Spring PvP Season

    I didn't got any chest after that yet
  6. TheShadowTitan

    TheShadowTitan #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Ye opening the next chest occured normally. I opened a normal chest (2nd chest of mp). It would be nice if devs can say if I got the itens from the gold chest or not.
  7. I was told that they get added to your inventory automatically so that's what I'm guessing happened.
  8. Sazanami

    Sazanami Orc Soldier

    I once lost connection right before the rating change window (I still saw the playing board). When I logged in again and checked my inventory for the loot from my gold chest, I suddenly had a second Hand of Melvelous, so I know I definitely got the loot from that match.
  9. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    That's the way it should happen. I'm assuming it did but if you haven't seen any new items pop up then we can't be sure unfortunately (if it didn't, it was most likely a one-time glitch)...
  10. TheShadowTitan

    TheShadowTitan #3 in Spring PvP Season

    I don't know. I have alot of itens so unless its an epic or legendary item its very hard for me to see
  11. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Shadow, it seems what happened to you is getting a fix. From the developer twitter account:
    "Jason (j-wiz) - When reconnecting with unclaimed multiplayer treasure, go to the looting screen instead of silently putting the treasure in the player's collection. Includes some work toward reconnecting to a battle in progress, too." link 1, link 2
    Megadestructo likes this.

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