Target: Locked On Boost Roll +3. On succesfull roll, one attack gains Unblockable and Pentrating. If roll is unsuccesfull, discard all attack cards in hand.
@tolkien, how bout this for its twin? Found Type: hybrid utility/drawback quality: black item slot: arcane item/staff Place yourself on a random square within two squares. Set your facing to nearest character.
Mirror Polished Armor Armor 2 Roll 4+ Keep When targeted by magic, apply the effect on the attacker Roll 4+
Dragon Mail Armor 2 Roll 3+ Keep If this Armor prevents damage from a Melee Attack, the attacker takes 2 Fire damage. Glacier Mail Armor 2 Roll 3+ Keep If this Armor prevents damage from a Melee Attack, the attacker takes 2 Cold damage. Electro-Magnetic Mail Armor 2 Roll 3+ Keep If this Armor prevents damage from a Melee Attack, the attacker takes 2 Electrical damage and the attacker discards 1 card to your hand.
Reckless Strike Melee attack/handicap - Type slashing Range 1 - Damage 8 Discard all your armor and block cards. Add 2 to damage for every card discarded this way. At the end of turn discard all armor card in hand.
Unholy Wellspring & Savage Curse it and you've got a 5 damage projectile right there. I wish Scan did zero damage too.
Point taken. When I said 0 damage what I really meant was no damage at all. So range 6, create and attach a wimpy card to target. I had originally thought of creating a wimpy card in target's hand but that would allow the target to draw an extra card!
Just a question here but as you stated, you discard all your armor and block cards at the start of the attack but then what armor does that leave for you to discard at the end of your hand? Maybe perhaps if you've drawn some after the attack this would make sense?
I'll take liberty in assuming that this card has 2 effects. Effect 2 is discarding armor. (Which would happen every turn until you discard the card or use it)
Didn't think about that. So in which case then Tolkein may just need to add a duration or Keep to the card effect text perhaps?
When you play it discard all of the player's armor and blocks. After discarding cards it adds 2 damage for each card discarded because of the card. I don't know if the other trigger adds damage though, since it doesn't record adding damage I guess it doesn't.
Keep would be good, duration wouldn't work because this card sits in the player's hand. Cards in hand don't have durations, attachments do.
@adajon I loved these ideas. The last one i might change to push 1 all other allies for simplicities sake. It also gave me this idea: Checkmate Type: Move Quality: emerald Move to a random unoccupied victory square. If there are no victory squares or no open victory squares move 1. On another note, I named an item after you, cf the smithy for details.
Spill Type: utility/handicap Quality: paper Slot: helmet only Expansion: ettsc At the end of your turn Create a random terrain attachment (besides wall and water terrain) in your square. Note: this can be played at any time but has a mandatory non-keep effect if it is still in your hand at the end of the turn. Terrain possibilities: laser beacon, healing beacon, hypnotic beacon, illusionary terrain, smoke, blessed terrain , spiked terrain, radioactive terrain, lava terrain, acid terrain
Cloud of Night Type: utility Quality: silver or bronze Slot: divine item Expansion:cm Create a 'cloud of night' terrain in your square. (No line of sight through cloud of night terrain. At the start of each round create a random form card and attach it to character. Duration 1)
Silver Square Type: attack Quality: bronze Slot: divine item Expansion: cm Range 6, create a silver square terrain attachment in target square. (At the Start of each round occupant takes 1 unpreventable silver damage then remove all attachments to occupant.) duration 2. OR should it be 7 damage and silver quality? And an arcane item card?
Being of Light (contrasted with creature of night) Type: Hybrid Handicap-Utility Quality: Bronze (because this can be used like arrogant armor or lateral thinking to cycle negative traits) Slot:? Divine Armor Mandatory Action. Discard all attachments to you.