Maybe the improvement required to the Meta game is creating more Meta games. Only having one type of Meta game means there is only one incentive, no matter which way you slice and dice it. A lot of players pride themselves on using unique builds. Why not track the usage of unique items and reward one player each month for it. The Unique Snowflake Meta game. Another thought for a Meta game... Lots of players groan at the thought of playing against high Elo players. Why not give them an incentive. Track who wins these matches. More points awarded for each 100 points difference in rank. The David vs Goliath Meta game.
But even if we make the socials and diamonds won't they lose 8 to 12 points playing against each other? What if there was another set of boards for the diamonds where they had to pay like 100 gold per member for participating and they could only play them on weekends and the cumulative of 4 weeks awarded them the pizza? Having the limited time span and an entry amount to book your place would certainly make the competition more fierce and would also limit the no. of players. Or maybe it breaks the original idea of the pizza rewards but the new suggestions are also far from the original idea. Haha and maybe we'll get a third island
On rinco's thoughts, it seems there have been several desires for other metagames, but they just haven't happened. (Why, the Sorcererers' homepage has listed four relationship types with other guilds as being obsolete since at least May-June of last year, probably a lot longer.) I literally don't even know what a "raid" is supposed to look like in CH MP context, yet Farbs apparently has had something in mind for years now. @visak: I've been generally liking the posts discussing various ideas, but I'm wary of hitting the little button on yours. $8^ , (Sorry!) If nothing else: not every player has weekends off. In my opinion, paying gold and having limited time sounds more like league fare, or even tournament fare. On that note, the tournaments seem to have dropped off after I finally got time enough to play. $F^ J The irony of high-octane-winning guilds with larger numbers is that, at that point, even with a first-place victory, only a minority of such a guild even gets any pizza -- and clearly the members are all okay with that, or else why be in such a guild? (And, if they're not active, then it doesn't matter to them anyway, right?) Hmmm.
So... I feel I should remind everyone that guilds and seasons are built entirely on the public API, as are the win rate and win streak leaderboards. There's no magical BlueManchuness about them at all. If anyone else wanted to build a metagame based on this data stream they would be very welcome to do so, and can even use the match results scraping code I posted earlier. For now though I'm just looking into incremental improvements to the season system.
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the permanent guild segregation idea like that, due to Ironwood being both a social guild and slightly competitive. We have won pizza before, but if you ask nearly anyone in the guild, they're not going to say we're a guild solely for competition.
Interesting... The division system would have two leaderboards and two progress charts, one for "social" (maybe it needs a new name? "open" perhaps?) and one for whatever the hardcore pizza contest group gets called. So you could still compete against the other open guilds, just not those pushing for the very top prizes.
People are often afraid of changes. Since nobody is forced into pizza division, the change wouldn't really hurt anyone. I'm always in for everything that makes MP more hardcore
Other potential changes aside, with the advent of Acquisitions Inc. we've retired our $5 pizza option, and so we need to change our season guild rewards. This is basically just a bonus to players, I think, since the pot is much bigger and the reward tiers are evenly spaced. New prize structure is effective this month. 1st Place: Five $10 pizza codes, valued at $50 2nd Place: Four $10 pizza codes, valued at $40 3rd Place: Three $10 pizza codes, valued at $30 4th Place: Two $10 pizza codes, valued at $20 5th Place: One $10 pizza code, valued at $10
I've ben using "pl" for player created maps the past two months. Next month is probably going to be "Aiay" or something equally silly.
Congrats to all those who fought this month! Pizza codes have been distributed to the top five guilds. A new season is here!
And next month there wouldn't be any members left there to earn him more pizza But yes, it is still quite necessary to trust one's guild leader.
@Flaxative - can we get June (with whatever fancy name) added to meta site so we can check how each guild's members have performed thus far this month for their guilds?