Hello folks, cardhunter has been around for a while now, and in that time changes have been made to various cards / items / mechanics for the most part to good effect. I firmly believe that there are certain other cards that continue to be neglected that need to be looked at to improve the gameplay experience. I am certain other long time players, and possibly new, will agree with most if not all of these notions. Im only going to focus on the major ones, i mean it would be great if frost attacks were stronger, and nimble strike was 5 damage instead of 4, but these are trivial matters compared to below. The first, most glaringly obvious is sprint team, It is way too powerful and can ruin an entire game with a single click, which is surely not what we want. Previously we had whirlwind and whirlwind enemies which were overused and out of control, but justice prevailed and now in their nerfed forms we see their ugly heads only occasionally in a niche type market as it should be. What can we do? Make it like dash team, but with a free move capability. Still powerful, but can no longer send 2 warriors across an entire map to annhilate an oppositions wizards in a single move. The second is savage curse, a lot of people frown upon the reliance of burst attacks as a singular strategy, and those who do not, are probably the ones using it. It is not the blue destructions or staff of embers that really cause the anguish though, it is the fact that a paper quality card can add so much damage to one attack with little cost. Understandably, it is a rare card, but for those who have been playing for some time, access to darkblood glaive and skull of savage ijiin can make a mockery of a contest given half a chance. What can we do? Instead of adding 4 damage, how about we add 2 damage. That way it is similar in power and cost to the much more balance unholy frenzy. Savage curse still has a longer duration, and its effect is more useful for wizards, allbeit with a shorter range, and higher cost than unholy frenzy. Sure there is still unholy wellspring for bursters and firestormers, but this is a gold rated card, and you have to pay big tokens, or get stuck with a lot of other weak cards to get this, for an end result which is not as powerful as savage curse anyway. Lastly elven maneuvers, this one is simple, the cost of playing it both from a tokenless perspective and discard perspective is not high enough. People dont have to think twice about including this over other elven skills because they sure would need a damn good reason not to in its current state. What can we do? Anything really, make it so cautious mobility at least requires a token, decrease duration to 2, decrease the number of cards drawn to 3 or 4 rather than having 6 chances of getting a nimble strike, viscous thrust, dancing cut etc.
Sprint team is temporarily popular for the recent appearance of bloody command in the daily deal, so it might strike you as more of an issue then it is. In those past two days I've groaned at some of these builds, but less at the might of sprint team but the painfully obvious agenda of exploiting yet another slightly inbalanced card to the max. I think you can spot those builds pretty easily and act to the best of that knowledge, and when it happens first round and you find yourself repeatedly without options, then you need to accept sprint team as reality and adapt your own play. One thing that bugs me about it is once again its indifference to the supposed moving disadvantage of dwarves and to lesser extent humans, so i would foward and old suggestion and have the command card push according to "base racial move" x2, so 4 - 6 - 8. Having someone yell at you makes you faster, but not as fast as that overall better sprinter who gets the same yelling. The other thing i want to see changed is the fact that it ignores a halt, be it roots or other stuff. Its okay if halted characters are shoved around with wind or telekinesis, barges, spins or any other outside force. But i see commanding as another category that shouldnt work in the same way. I am somewhat indifferent about encumber.
Yeah, I made that suggestion in one of these threads; I'll see if I can dig it up for posterity. EDIT: found it. http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/suggestion-racial-movement.8224/#post-102212
Only if Winds of War moved Dwarves 1 tile, Humans 2 tiles and Elves 3 tiles. And if somebody's stuck to the ground then he's stuck, so no moving that way either.
Lucky, Rob's saying (correct me if I'm wrong) that *thematically,* calling out to someone to move *shouldn't* work the same way as shoving someone around via wind -- unless you, Lucky, are saying that the races' bulk-apparent should be taken into thematic account, too?
It seems to me the theme of Card Hunter is, "This card does this much." Movement, damage, whatever. There have always been some trigger rolls, and lasers actually have an additional damage/malfunction roll, but that's the exception that proves the rule. A thin, willowy elf can bludgeon you just as hard as a massive, muscular dwarf because it's all about the number on the card. The devs have already stated Elven Maneuvers is to be nerfed. It's just a question of when and how much. As for Sprint, Team, I've won with it and I've lost to it, but I've never had a problem with it. If it shows up at an opportune moment it can be a real game changer. If it shows up when your mates are tanking on VPs, not so much. And that's when it shows up at all. It's kind of a joker in the deck which positional purists have always hated. What can I say, I like jokers. Savage Curse has been around forever, but it wasn't really a hot topic before Blue Destruction and Fireball. Now Radiation Bomb is added to the list. The real cost is the discard, which means nerfing the boost by much would make it completely unplayable.
Well, if we talk roots here, roots arent an imprisoning tile, they "attach" in both game mechanic and how i can visualize it on a flavour level. If you think about trip, you lie there dizzy on the floor, but youre still a ragdoll to whoever comes by and thinks its a good idea to telekinesis the guy whos lying with his nose in the dirt.
Virtually none of the game makes any real sense. Dwarves can outpace some (though not all) zombies, but they are slower than most vegetables. Edit: But it's still fun.
Almost everything is somewhat intuitive or can at least be accepted, especially when youre not totally new to RPG tropes. I still want my heals to damage the undead, though.