Xander's armor is in the heavy slot so I was thinking more stabs and sprays and zaps, for glorious range 2 shenanigans.
Xander is a dwarf warrior. The Arcane Aura is sometimes useful because he also runs Duck on his racial.
There aren't really that many legendary characters with multiple items, and they seem somewhat unfocused for the most part. Also, many have them multiple armours. 2 items: 30 Spoiler Aloysi, Axander, Barnum, Bimson, Bolg, Boxton, Brin, Buckwell, Bynzer, Cedric, Chartwell, Duncan, Elemer, Forvel, Granwick, Hylithia, Juniper, Mokad, Oquith, Portia, Quick Jon, Quornic, Red Jon, Sabo, Sarigo, Vinorkin, Xander, Xarol, Xemu, Zoltan 3 items: Glasod, Vira, Wym 4 items: Bleneth 5 items: Hawlic