This is yet another custom map I've designed. Any feedback would be appreciated. The map is fairly straight forward. It's just another unranked map meant for two swashbuckling parties to have at each other on. Enjoy!
Sorry, I have a hard time doing screen shots... my computer is tiny and fickle! I can and will however upload a video though! Again, I apologize for the low quality. Here you are:
I can not see it but this seems like a problem on other sites as well so no clue whats up as i changed nothing.
I just checked it and the link is working fine for myself. I literally just finished watching it 2 minutes ago.
I just got a chance to play it. It looks good! It plays out pretty simple, since it's a small, mostly open area. (The ship areas are large but do nothing for gameplay.) Personally, I'd make the ship walls break LoS, so there's more maneuvering going on. Keep up the good work =)
The theme is great, and it comes across really well. It's always cool when scenarios express events rather than just locations. Cool stuff.