Following 6
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Feb 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
- Location:
- Irving Texas
- Occupation:
- (None Currently,But Searching)
Mushroom Warrior, Male, 30, from Irving Texas
Any One Want To Play Pathfinder or DND 3.5? Mar 2, 2014
- ChadTheRad was last seen:
- Jan 29, 2017
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Feb 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
- Location:
- Irving Texas
- Occupation:
- (None Currently,But Searching)
I've played video games approximately all my life,I've felt like I've been searching for something,something that i couldn't find anywhere else,like i was hungry,but for what?,after long long hours of thought it dawned on me,Games,the experiences,the conflicts,nothing in life can compare to the feeling that one feel's while delving a dungeon,or defending the human race,you feel important,different,like your choice really matters,that you can make a change,i realized that at a young age and I've loved gaming ever sense,I'm not the most privileged gamer,having a Ps2 most of my life,a Nintendo 64,that cant be found,a snes,and a game cube (whereabouts unknown) and finally an Xbox 360,
I'm a beginner Dungeons And Dragon's player,been trying for a while to get the books and learn properly to DM,would love tips,on how to make dungeons and how certain rules work
my favorite games are,Final Fantasy X,God Of War (Series),Kingdom Heart's (Series),(KH2 favorite out of all),Champions Of Norrath,Legend Of Zelda,Diablo 1,and 2,Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning,Castle Crashers,Devil May Cry 4,Lord Of The Rings War In The North,Skyrim,ASURA'S WRATH,Brutal Legend,and The Game I Love To Hate Dark Souls (there are many more games)
if you just wanna shoot me a message go ahead,I'm pretty chill and don't really have beef with anyone,except if it's in a stew...Interact