not able to play any camp games but can get into MP games Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)...
yes its now working fine after the latest update cheers :):):)
I have installed the new flash player but still showing maintenance message
I hope this is correct this is from google chrome <!DOCTYPEhtml > < htmllang ="en"> < head > <metacharset="utf-8"/><title>Card...
Not great with computers so very unsure at how all this stuff about cahe's and javasrcipt. tried logging on using my wife laptop but again came up...
no mine still comes up with the maintenance message.....:( no play now for a couple of days
Pengwin what your URL mine is
I am using my normal bookmark to login but it keeps saying - Card Hunter is currently down for maintenance. Please Try Againafter a few...
well done everyone on winning ...................... I cant believe it I have a key...............just got up and a key in my inbox happy days :).
hmmmmm 17.00 in the UK now kids in bed by 19.00 wife out at 20.00...........beta key at 21.00.................if visa made nights in priceless.....:D.
waiting its so hard to do..............................
great write ups makes waiting for a key a little less painful.
I thought you had to post on the forums to be entered into the comp, eg boosting the number of people using the forums. What if some people...
And the winners are.........................................
Separate names with a comma.