Wings of Faith build for Wicked Waterways

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Jacques, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    This is a build designed for Wicked Waterways that relies on Wings Of Faith, instead of the classic FS or ww builds. The good side is that, at least in my opinion, it's much funnier than running the aformentioned builds, and it's at the same time very effective. The bad thing is that WoF only appears in 5 items, being 1 of them legendary, 3 epics and 1 rare. And since it's a new card, it may be difficult to have many of them now. But I'm sure that when some time has passed, more players will have the possibility to have a good amount of them.

    The build consists in 2 human priests and 1 human warrior, as humans are for this map the best movement/hp relation (usually it's dwarves, but step attacks aren't good here). They have a good amount of movement cards (especially the warrior) to face ww builds and good armor to protect you against FS. Plus, the priests have a good number of healing cards, useful to recover for the FS damage or to hold the VP, and some Mass Frenzy, along of course with Wings of Faith.

    Level 12 Human Warrior

    The warrior is of course the main killer. But he also has to have a lot of movement cards, and not precisely step attacks, which as I have already said, are pointless in this map. You need to include more movement cards than you usually would put in a normal build so that you don't rely only in your race movement cards, which is Run in this case.

    - A weapon like Bolg's Club Of Evasion fits very well here because of that, as it provides you of 3 Dodge which can be useful defensively, but more importantly because they will let you cross the rivers between the "mini-islands" when you have your Wings attached. There aren't many weapons with non-step attacks movement. Some of them are Bruising Dervish, Reap The Whirlwind, Axe Of Evasion and Pirate's Rapier, all of them epics or legendaries unfortunately. If you don't have any of these, you may want to add more movement cards somewhere else, like Slippery Shield instead of Twisting Shield, for instance. Other useful card for this purpose is Surging Shield Block.

    - Golden Splint Mail and Greenguard Boots let you have another way to cross those rivers without needing a Wings of Faith attached. The idea is that, even if for some reason your 2 priests get killed (very rare) or you got whirlwinded and your priests don't have in los your warrior (more probable), you still have a way to reach the center, especially with Teleport Self, as Flight Aura is bad because it gets removed easily. And, also, they provide you with two more cards that you can use for movement: Hard To Pin Down and Dynamic Armor.

    - Advanced Flexibility, with those 2 Leadership, is great for helping your priests to cycle through bad hands and get the Wings of Faith you need.

    The other items don't need too much explanation, basically they are armor + traits + consistent medium damage attacks.

    Level 20 Human Priest

    Level 12 Human Priest

    While the 2 priests are not even because I only have 1 Golden Wings, the idea for them is the same. They have four things, mainly:

    1) Wings of Faith, of course. You will need at least 5 or 6 of them on each priest. If you have less, consider adding more traits and some cards like Inspiration to help the cycling.
    The items in which Wings of Faith appears are: Golden Wings (the best), Eixtl's Winged Mail (very nice), Blackhammer (only 1 WoF but also 1 trait, plus nice attacks, so it's good), Ztoli Idol (not so bad) and Feathered Idol (the only rare one and paradoxically the only one I don't have yet, but I'm not gonna lie, it's crap).

    2) Armor. You need to defend your only 25 hp priests from FS mainly, and for that puropose they have Hardy Mail and Shimmering Aura. You can include Reliable Mail as well.

    3) Healing. For the same as above. The best heal cards are those that don't require line of sight, specially in this map, so Team Heal is the best one here, and while Triple Heals needs los, at least allows self-target, so it's very probable you usually end up healing at least 2 targets (an ally and yourself), unlike what happens with Twin Heals that doesn't allow it.

    4) Attacks. They need to be able to make some damage too. They have less movility and attacks than the warrior, but that doesn't mean they can't help to kill a wounded target. They have some Mass Frenzy as an extra.

    Well, that's it. I know it's a bit legendary and epic based, but as there are some irreplaceable ones, like Golden Wings, you can search for other options with the rest. I suggest anyone who can get a good amount of WoF to give it a try, it's really worth it.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Thanks for the great ideas and explanations!
    Wait wait wait, are you saying Triple Heals doesn't require line of sight? If so, is the same true for Twin Heals? I always thought they required line of sight to be cast.
    Jacques likes this.
  3. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    You are right, I will edit that! Thanks
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Ok, thanks for the clarification! Looking at the healing cards I guess it's the text "heal 2 to two/three targets" which reveals that the spell needs to be targeted and to target someone you need to see them.
  5. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Yup, my bad there!
  6. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Hey everyone, today I played Wicked Waterways after a long time, and I made some changes to this deck. The main change is going with 2 Blackhammers per priest. My main fear was those Impetuous Heal, but they turned out to be actually a great help, because you are facing FS decks mainly, and you are going to be standing at the vp holding attacks for most of the time, so it's a great way to heal your allies, and you don't mind a lot healing some opponents in the process too, as long as you survive. Also, they are both using Iberial's Boots now.

    Also, I specialized them a bit more. While one has 7 Wings Of Faith, 3 Mass Frenzy and almost not healing (except for the Impetuous Heals), the other one has few WoF (4) and MF (2), but is more focused on healing. (4 Team Heals)

    The warrior didn't change much. I traded Bejeweled ShortSword for Reap The Whirlwind to have more move cards, as he didn't really need big attacks (most of your opponents will be using 2 wizards). He also has Xander's Mail now to have a better defense against FS and Vulcano.


    Level 12 Human Warrior

    Level 20 Human Priest

    Level 12 Human Priest
    Eixtl's Winged Mail
    Slippery Shield
    Iberial's Boots
    Ring Of Majestic Healing
    Shuddering Relic
    St. Bethan's Charm
    Trainee Command
    Novice Piety

    4 x Team Heal
    3 x Hard To Pin Down
    2 x Potent Stab
    2 x Mass Frenzy
    1 x Help The Weak
    1 x Hardy Mail
    1 x Walk, Team!
    1 x Minor Heal
    1 x Bloodied Block
    4 x Sundering Strike
    1 x Dangerous Maneuver
    4 x Wings Of Faith
    2 x Vulnerable
    2 x Impetuous Heal
    2 x Shimmering Aura
    3 x Enervating Touch
    2 x Altruism

    There were two things I had some doubts about:
    1) Focused Impaling (or any martial skill with 3 traits) or Superb Impaling? More traits or one less trait but with a great ranged attack?
    2) St.Bethan's Charm or Xlaka's Sacred Bundle? The first is more solid imo, while the second one could be better in some occasions but worse in others, because Inspiring Presence can be very tricky to use. There is a third option actually, Jygpin's Healing Ring, to make even more emphasis on the healing (no MF), which wouldn't be bad. But I'm not quite sure which one is the best here.​
  7. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Since I haven't messed around with it, I've got a question for you: If you have Teleport Self in hand and Hard To Pin Down gets triggered as a block, do you get the teleport bonus, or only if you initiate the move action?
  8. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Team run on the martial skill maybe?

    You get the bonus.
  9. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    I didn't know you get the bonus, I actually have that Teleport just in case of emergency, but I don't need it too often. What I'm sure about is that you don't get the bonus using push or command cards (you can fly with the one who used a Team Run or a Violent Spin for instance, but your allies won't be able to fly even if they have WoF attached). That's why I don't think Team Run is that useful here. But it's still a 4 movement card and could get your allies out of lava terrain, so I guess it's a possibility.
  10. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Nice Build... I wish I had the Wings of Faith items to use it (other than 2 Blackhammers I only have the shoddy Feathered Idol).
    What I learned last night
    Scuttle/Free Move doesn't get you across the water (didn't think so was worth the test).
    Push movement such as Sprint, Team doesn't trigger Teleport Self (not sure about Team Run if the character who plays the card trigger teleport self)
    FS vs. FS is pretty funny. Volcano can be a killer card.

    As for healing Help The Weak doesn't require LoS and has unlimited range. Team Heal is usually better against FS, but it does have a range although I've never seen it fail, to the point where I am not sure if the range is a misprint. Boosted Heal is nerfed by the fact that touch range is rarely an option.

    It is a shame you can't use an arrogant armor due to the need for WoF but I think this would be a lot of fun to try once I get more WoF items.
  11. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Are you sure? I know a month or two ago Jon patched things so that movement boosts didn't trigger on triggered moves, so you can't dodge+TPself anymore for instance.
    Squidy likes this.
  12. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Then I stand corrected as it hasn't occured to me in months. Thanks for the correcting Flax.
  13. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    - The push cards and command cards don't trigger Teleport Self or Wings of Faith for your allies, but they do trigger it for the caster. So, if you use a Team Run with a chracter that has Wings of Faith attached or Teleport self in his hand, he will be able to cross the rivers. I think I will put this in the Gotcha Rules section, where I think it fits better.
    - About the Team Heal range thing, I'm almost sure it's a bug/misprint or whatever you want to call it, but you can heal your allies regardless of the range.
    - I don't think FS vs FS is so funny, but to each his own.
    - Funny thing: before my first match yesterday I made a terrible mistake during the build and put a Bern's Untouchable Mail (3 Arrogant Armor) to my warrior... I felt pretty silly during the match when I realized what I had done. Good thing I won that one anyway.
    doog37 likes this.
  14. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    I didn't even know that Team Heal card has a range printed on it. Never seen it fail either and the text says it heals them all anyway.
  15. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Yeah, it can really go unnoticed, but I included that one as well in the rules section just in case.
  16. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I see youre using a no-token helmet, may you wanna switch to one that has Quick Reactions, the obvious choice being Shimmering Helm or Wimp's Helm. Like you said, tons of FS is played on wickedW, and i made excellent experiences with the draw effect.
  17. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Not a bad idea, but Weakling's Helm is more universal, I think. There are mainly 2 types of builds in Waterways, and Shimmering Helm is great against only one of them: FS, but absolutely useless against the other one: WW/WWe. And it's also very bad against the 3rd more occasional build you can find, which is another Wings build like mine. So, I don't think I would make that change, it would be improving it against one particular build but making it worse against the other ones.
    After all, Wekling's Helm is also good against FS (maybe not that good as Shimmering Helm), and it's also useful against the other builds.

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