Which race should be next?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarkDain, Nov 4, 2012.


What Race would you like to see next?

  1. Orc

  2. Half-Ling

  3. Another Dwarf

  4. Gnome

  5. Something Draconic

  6. Undead

  7. Something less classical

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Can vote for multiple choices too so dont worry!
  2. SQW

    SQW Kobold

    Half-lings? Why on Middle-Earth would anyone want to play a hobbit?! The eternal march of the undead ftw! :D
    Elesh Norn likes this.
  3. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Natural rogues they kind of are :p I can imagine their racial move ability... Slink, lets them pass through (under xd) allies and enemies when moving
  4. Legolas

    Legolas Kobold

    I feel like I will be a minority here but I voted Draconic. Looking at Total’s play at PAX makes me wonder how they could balance that out. Or looking forward (like with a telescope since beta hasn’t even made its long awaited debut) the start of a new game mode? Player on the defense as a dragon boss with creeps at their command? PVP dungeon maps with one player as dragon with creeps and the other with their hero deck?
  5. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Well i dont mean be a DRAGON, just a humanoid dragon, or lizard man type. IF they had wings they might be overpowered with basic flight movement skills, but who knows :eek:
  6. Legolas

    Legolas Kobold

    I figured that you didn’t mean it literally, but as soon as i saw it i thought of Myrrh from the Fire Emblem series. That was probably my first real turn based strategy experience so maybe i am just being a bit nostalgic. :)
  7. Raising

    Raising Mushroom Warrior

  8. Michael

    Michael Mushroom Warrior

  9. Whiteowl

    Whiteowl Kobold

    I myself Voted for Dragonic, and something else ( i like the construct idea, Golems forever!)
  10. Grizzo

    Grizzo Kobold

    Dark Elf or good skeleton ;)
  11. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Why dont you just vote for Bone Golem and kill two birds with one stone eh? Or vote Dwarf ! They're beard golems.
  12. Magnificent Bastard

    Magnificent Bastard Mushroom Warrior

    I don't really think race is going to matter much in the game. Maybe a little... but not much. So I don't really care what races they give us so long as they aren't stupid ones; Sasquatch, Unicorn, Chupa-thingy, etc.
  13. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Aw c',mon MB, im sure you have a personal favorite :p Like how about... Bear Men?
  14. Grizzo

    Grizzo Kobold

    Man Bear Pig :D From South Park :D
  15. Magnificent Bastard

    Magnificent Bastard Mushroom Warrior

    Not really. I suppose if I was going to make any suggestion at all it would be to make them distinctly different. Don't worry about sub-races and the like. If we have elves we don't need dark elves etc.

    Gnomes or Halflings would be an alright choices but for a truly different option from the poll I think Orc would probably be the best. Unless of course the developers want to keep Orcs as a strictly NPC race which would make sense. But I think it would be in their best interest to not only stay "classical" but also keep it simple. Perhaps I am just picky but I generally dislike it when games throw in a bunch of bizarre races.
  16. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Thats why i voted Half-ling and Orc !
  17. Voted for halfling and orc but I actually love the construct idea even more. Lets hope ;)
  18. I like undead usually but I feel like adding an undead to the hero roster would be kinda..... inappropriate. Perhaps later they could add like a necromancer class? Or maybe just some kind of summoner who could make zombies and or skeletons?
  19. DarkDain

    DarkDain Goblin Champion

    Construct and Undead might be iffy due to..well, how would a priest heal a robot? or a zombie for that matter, it usually burns them. A race that fits within the current theme and skill set would probably be best.
  20. this is true. you could give the construct some kind of like self-repair skill? Maybe it would have to go into stasis in order to do so but can't be healed by priests that way it doesn't make the priest obsolete? Or of course if they could always make it some kind of summon and give the summoner some kind of heal that can only be used on his minions.

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