What to where?

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Juxtapostion, May 7, 2015.

  1. Juxtapostion

    Juxtapostion Hydra

    Back in the day accessorizing was easy. A pair on Marmot Boots got the job sone, or so I thought. I guess thats the curse of having too many shoes. I can't decide what to wear. Or more important, what will get me Where I need to go.

    In a vacuum what boots are considered better.

    Crafted Monkey Boots
    upload_2015-5-7_11-41-45.png upload_2015-5-7_11-42-33.png upload_2015-5-7_11-42-41.png

    Diamond Moccasins
    upload_2015-5-7_11-44-8.png upload_2015-5-7_11-51-45.png upload_2015-5-7_11-44-29.png

    Salazar's Sandals
    upload_2015-5-7_11-46-57.png upload_2015-5-7_11-47-10.png upload_2015-5-7_11-50-9.png

    Captain Cedric's Boots
    upload_2015-5-7_11-46-57.png upload_2015-5-7_11-48-52.png upload_2015-5-7_11-48-52.png

    Now for some build information. This boot decision is for a dwarf. But not just any dwarf. A mostly stab dwarf.
    2x Double Edge Sword
    Crazy Sal's Haliber
    A helmet with sprint!, team, retreat, and something else...

    Here is the question in my mind, is team walk the best gold card I can play with Dwarfs? Oh yeah his buddies are outfitted basically the same. Or does one of the silver cards sprint/sparkling armor make the other gold cards worth it? And, is it all a wash because with stabs flanking move it the obvious choice? Hopefully some one has a well formed opinion and the willingness to share it with me!
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I would pick Diamond Mocassins. Because Sparkling Cloth Armor is hilariously rated "Silver-", or level 5, this item that by all rights should be a level 18 item is only level 17—making it cost a blue token instead of a yellow token, which is honestly ridiculous. Sparkling Cloth Armor will help your dwarves more than any number of flanking moves, most especially against what I imagine they're weakest against (wizards). Quick Run is also one of the bombiest cards in Card Hunter. Brutal Charge may seem hard to use to full effect, but it's actually quite good for a bronze card. It can move you far pretty frequently, and it can also move you medium distances while doing damage not too infrequently.
  3. Merdis

    Merdis Orc Soldier

    Diamond Mocassins are glorious, especially for a warrior (I am using 3 of them in my current triple warrior build. In the past I used to equip them with stabby elf (Double edges+ Crazy Sal) and it worked very well). In many situations quick run combined with Impaling Stab will let land a powerful blow to unsuspecting enemy, while ignoring both of his armor and parries(with exception of Defender's block). Simply invaluable, especially when you have to finish wounded opponent. Sparkling Cloth Armor is one of most useful cards in entire game (positioning is the king!) despite being only silver card. Even brutal charge is a good card for its quality (movement+ up to 10 points of damage). Remember, it is unblockable, so can be successfully used to kill enemy warriors who are hoarding parries.
  4. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    Depends on the rest of your build, but I think Captain Cedric's Boots are probably your best bet. If you don't mind looking beyond these items though, my suggestion would be to go tokenless via Goat Boots or preferably Hawkwind's Moccasins. Since the nerf to team run, throwing a token on your boots is barely worth it anymore.

    The Diamond Moccasins are best for characters focused on big one-shot damage, stuff like All-out Attack and/or Obliterating Bludgeon. I'm actually not a huge fan of them. The cards on it rely too much on the perfect scenario arising. It's an item that looks awesome on paper, but is actually not as powerful as you'd think in practice... at least in my experience.

    Assuming the rest of your composition is melee-focused, I'd go with one of the team run boots. Captain Cedric's are probably best for a stab-focused character, since you can Flanking Move directly into a stab. If he were going to be relying on range 1 however, I'd go with Salazar's Sandals.
  5. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I would go with the Captain... While Sparkling is so sweet, for a stabby warrior I prefer the Flanking moves which function as a quick walk for range 2 attacks... and you get 2, plus the team walk is a lifesaver being one of the few cards that can move your whole team. I typically go for Mouse Boots with a stab warrior for the tokenless, but if you have the token the upgrade to Team Walk might be worth it, but i would likely use it somewhere else (like better armor).
    Of course Diamond mocs are the most OP boots for their cost (1B and a rare).
    If you have Sliding Boots and can spare the (majortoken), it is the best of all worlds.
    You get the Sparkling, the Team Walk and a Flanking.

    For lower cost boots look at Turquoise Boots.
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  6. Juxtapostion

    Juxtapostion Hydra

  7. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

  8. Juxtapostion

    Juxtapostion Hydra

    So if I have 3 minor and 3 major tokens locked down with the weapons. Where do you put those other 2. Right now I am running 2 helm of Alacrity and one Majors helm. Both for the sprint! team. Would you move those tokens else where? Like maybe a shield? Aegis? I have 2.

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