What Is the Best RPG game you ever played!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Deadless78, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Deadless78

    Deadless78 Mushroom Warrior

    Fallout 3 is mine
  2. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Chrono Trigger

    Still go back and play it through every couple years. The Fallout series is very close 2nd, along with some other titles.
  3. Tied, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6. They are the only games to do old school jrpg's right, in my opinion. "In my opinion" I do love every Elder Scrolls game, simply because of the lore, and exploring. Lots of fun can, and has been had with those games, but they are far from as well put together as ff6 and chrono trigger.
  4. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Oh, I see, you mean Video Games... :oops:
  5. Well I could say a dnd game, but thats not fair in my opinion, since you and whoever you play it with, make it yourselves :p So of course you'll make it be good haha
  6. Fizbin

    Fizbin Mushroom Warrior

  7. Grombak

    Grombak Orc Soldier

    Planescape: Torment is really good. Other than that are the Baldurs Gate series, Fallout and Finaly Fantasy 7 my favourites.
  8. IshidaTsuki

    IshidaTsuki Orc Soldier

    Final Fantasy 6 or the Golden Sun series. Love those titles...
  9. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Ima let you finish but final fantasty 9 is the best final fantasy game
  10. Fizbin

    Fizbin Mushroom Warrior

    I was never drawn to Final Fantasy, but my favorite would be 6 (followed by the rosy glasses of memory Final Fantasy 1)
  11. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    You will be devoured and destroyed by the intensity of my hate if you don't use a non vivi avatar after saying your favorit ff game is 6!
    Hexyz likes this.
  12. Fizbin

    Fizbin Mushroom Warrior

    Ah, but we are talking about favorite games, not characters :p
    I am a bit o' a perfectionist in games and I can't even begin to describe my frustration with the jump rope at the beginning of the game (I would get a rhythm going and lose every time).
    I think I wasted days of my life on that alone. I still remember how my system overheated when I finally won and before I could save. I had to do the whole thing over again (2 and 1/4 hours later).
  13. Grombak

    Grombak Orc Soldier

    I did enjoy FF9, but I liked 7 better :p But you can't discuss personal taste, right? :)
  14. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Not much of a jrpg fan, prefer the western-styled ones with lots of choice and consequence.

    Best turnbased combat: Temple of Elemental Evil
    Best conversation system: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
    Best world: Arcanum

    Incidentally - a lot of Troika games in there. Too bad kickstarter didn't exist back then...

    And yeah, I'm a big fan of the original Fallouts, Torment, The Witcher, the Gothics, Ultima series (including Underworld) and a lot more. Think Elder Scrolls games are rather soulless.
  15. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is a awesome game
  16. Fizbin

    Fizbin Mushroom Warrior

    I really enjoyed Temple of Elemental Evil (Pimp GOG Good -brought to you by Grognar the Barbarian) but my favorite tactical turn based combat would probably be Disgaea. Both 1 and 2 had a real charm to them (or maybe Shining Force if I am not in the mood for zany).
  17. Yeah I love the witcher games! They're great
    With Western rpg's I'd have to say Witcher, and dark/demon's souls.
  18. barbalatte

    barbalatte Mushroom Warrior

    gargoyles quest
    IshidaTsuki likes this.
  19. Grombak

    Grombak Orc Soldier

    @Fizbin: I bought a PS3 just to play Disgaea 3 and 4, because of the first two games! They're just awesome.
  20. IshidaTsuki

    IshidaTsuki Orc Soldier

    <smartass> The souls Series originates in Japan </smartass>

    Disgaea is awesome, played 1, 2 and 3 alot on their portable releases. Also a mention deserves imho Battle Ogres: let us cling together as well as one of the best SRPGs out there: FFT:A. Nuff said.

    Also, FF6 kicks FF9s gonads :p

    (In all seriousness, i have the theory that the first Final Fantasy you finish/play will always be the best for you.)
    Atanos Iskandar and Grombak like this.

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