In battle, I can click anywhere in order to proceed through messages. I like that feature; not having to aim for a button. I'm sitting at a Venture Forth screen and find myself wanting the same user interface. Instead of clicking the Begin button at the bottom, I'd like to simply click anywhere in order to Begin.
Same with the aftermath screen. Instead of clicking on the collect loot button, it would be nice if I could click anywhere to collect loot.
Do you mean collect as in, open the chest in the first place? If you mean completely leave the screen... NO! I re-organize my equipment in that screen regularly, putting in upgrades, filling newly exposed slots on characters I am leveling... I don't read the story most of the time, I imagine you do not either. Hence for both of us, clicking straight through venture forth makes sense. But for anyone who DOES read the story, they would likely hate that, as you can easily skip on accident.