ultrarage thread

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by istenszek, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. istenszek

    istenszek Kobold

    i was doing goblins in the forest adventure in coop.
    first round, done
    second round, done
    third round, done
    in the middle of fourth round the wizard leaves. we lose. we can't get a new member and have to start the adventure again.

    WHAT THE ****ING ****ITY ****ING ****

    EITHER BAN the deserter
    or FIX this

  2. istenszek

    istenszek Kobold

    sorry for the rage, i was very mad
  3. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    I suggest you report deserters unless either they give a good reason for leaving or the team has been playing very slow.
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Rage can be entirely appropriate.
    Sometimes a disconnection is unavoidabe, and when this occurs it should be explained.
    The word will soon get around if someone behaves badly in co-op, and they won't be invited, nor will their invitations be accepted.
    istenszek likes this.
  5. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    Well, sometimes life happens, so straight out assuming the worst isn't always the best call.

    I know my internet cuts out about once a week [Stupid Cox and their local monopoly on being the only ISP..] so I'd hope people wouldn't assume the worst if I end up getting cut out.
    And likewise, my net cuts out for short periods of time even more regularly.

    Yes, the way co-op is handled right now is kinda a disaster, there's too many ways to get screwed over, especially when PUGing.

    Reporting does have the benefit of giving the devs a window into how often the person causes problems, so do feel free to do that; if they're having regular problems, even if it's out of their control, they should probably not be doing multiplayer to begin with. Just kinda wish there was a report option that better fit such an event than the ones we have~

    Don't feel hesitant to express rage over a frustrating game element- which I'm totally agreeing this is- but be careful not to attack the devs over it.
    They're doing incredibly rapid fixes to the game since it hit Steam, I'm sure they'll get to fixes for the more elaborate problems as soon as they're able :)
    istenszek likes this.
  6. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Now a little side point: why is this called the 'ultrarage thread' instead of something more fitting like 'Co-op Quitters'.
  7. istenszek

    istenszek Kobold

    because i was very mad.. and because i'd get more attention
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Shockingly honest. :eek:
    Good show! :cool:
    istenszek likes this.
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    For future reference, I read every thread, but wasn't particularly inclined to respond to this one because of its title. But now I'm responding so I guess you win either way. :p
    DunDunDun and istenszek like this.
  10. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    Wow, what do you have against Warhammer?

    That was OBVIOUSLY just a reference to the vigor Ultramarines show in their commitment to battle, and a metaphor for how dedicated the devs are!

    :elbows istenszek: Now smile and nod, isten. :)
    Flaxative likes this.

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