UI question..

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by TheRev, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    The people who have been using it have been for a while, so ya might be use to it, but I was wondering about the Click/Drag idea for the inventory management.

    I was wondering if it would be better other then a Click-Drag-Release (how it is now) if it wouldn't be easier/better to have something like a Click-Drag-Click. So when you click it once you are now moving it, and then when you move your mouse it moves with it, and then clicking again will drop it where it goes? Is something like this even possible or would it just cause a lot of work? And if it is possible would it be better?
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Oftentimes, systems will do both. In fact, I'm sometimes surprised when I find that a new UI I'm using happened to have both systems this whole while and I didn't notice.

    It's relatively easy to program. "Mouse down" and "mouse up" are input. You tell the computer to pick up an item upon "mouse down." Then, upon "mouse up," it should check to see whether the object in question has moved to a new meaningful position. If yes (e.g., it's been dragged from the inventory to a character slot), then drop it. If no (e.g., it was picked up from the inventory and either is still somewhere over the inventory or is out in empty space somewhere outside all boxes and slots), then keep it stuck to the mouse cursor. If it gets to that last condition, then upon "mouse down" check again to see if it can be dropped (e.g., the user has now clicked on a character slot).
  3. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    I mean true it is just in the Events System for the mouse, but I have no idea how they have done it or anything. If there is no real "Event System" they just manually put in each one then it might be much more hassle. I was just wondering if this is something do able for them with what they got.

    Also both would be awesome that is for sure. Sometimes I get a laggy connection or after I have been playing for a while and everything is kinda slow it is hard to drag/drop the items to the proper spot so its why I am asking about it :)

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