UI issues (gold display, name editing, party editing) and First impressions

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by clarifiction, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. clarifiction

    clarifiction Kobold

    First of all, I just started playing since I got my beta invite this week, and want to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying the game. (only level 6 so far). Great work!

    Some issues and bugs I've noticed:

    Gold amount display bug: occasionally the amount of gold displayed is incorrect. This seems to happen when I sell an item in one of the shops, and then exit the shop. The gold amount will be correct when I'm in the shop screen, but incorrect when I'm in the overworld map screen. If i return to the shop, it shows the correct amount, but know amount of entering and exiting the shop will make it update in the overworld map until i log off.

    Character Name editing bug: If I edit a character's name, and then remove that character from my party, the name reverts. Related to this, there is currently no "name edit" button for characters that are not in your active party. This should be added to the UI. Adding/Removing them from the party just to rename them is a nuisance. I was able to work around this bug by returning to the overworld map after each edit, to "lock in" the name before removing them from the party again.

    Thanks! Hope this helps :)
  2. clarifiction

    clarifiction Kobold

    One other thing to note:

    Text explanation in the character purchase "tutorial": After buying the third free character, the tutorial text says something about how you can purchase additional characters, but you will have to "replace" one of your current characters. (sorry i don't recall the exact phrasing). This was confusing for me, because I couldn't tell if clicking purchase on a new character would force me to choose one of my current characters to permanently delete (which i wouldn't do), or just swap them out of the party (which I would be willing to do).

    Thanks :)

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