UI bug: animation twitch when cursor hovers blow raised card

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Dranwyr, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    If you hover your mouse cursor over a card on the combat map, it raises up. If your mouse cursor would then be in the vacated space below it, the card loses mouse focus, and falls back in place. As soon as it falls back in place, the card regains mouse focus, and the process repeats. This causes an epileptic seizure inducing twitch. =)

    Seizure warning.jpg
  2. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Looking for thread edit functions to fix the title from "blow" to "below"...
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

  4. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Um. Of course it is. I swear, the FAQ is the one place I didn't search for a known issue before posting. =( Looked in all the other issue threads...


    There seriously needs to be thread edit controls.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    No worries ! ;)

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