Tutorial Stuck?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Elianto, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Elianto

    Elianto Kobold


    I got to the tutorial part about Costumes Shop. I got the free pizza and I had to choose a new costume. I didn't want to choose right away so I decided to go in my keep to save party and restart it the day after.

    But now I tried to go back in costume shop and I bought a costume but it seems that the tutorial isn't going on. Any advice?

  2. Elianto

    Elianto Kobold


    I went on playing and at LVL6 the tutorial got in introducing me to MP. There is a list or description of how long the tutorial will follow/help?
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    You're basically done. Gary will pop up to comment the first time you get a minor power token, and again for your first major token, but other than that you'll only see him in the story bits.

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