Played up through kobold encampment (just reached level 2): PERFORMANCE: - Disconnected twice in playing up to this point. I imagine this is just due to beta stress-testing, but this will probably make me stop playing if it continues (especially since the battle state doesn't seem to be saved). - Loading screens seem to be frequent and long. There's a pause of 1-2 seconds every time I play a card. Performance improvements would be very welcome. BUGS: - The tutorial seemed to bug when I went to the tavern--the tutorial guy started to say something while I was entering, but his text went away before I clicked anything, and it seemed like I missed a chunk of story. When it prompted me to go to "Raid on Ommlet", I clicked the tavern again, and I got a tutorial message that seemed like it probably should've appeared sometime earlier. - After the armory tutorial, you're directed to "Kobold Encampment". I went back into the Armory, and noticed that the Pickled Herrings that were in my inventory the first time had disappeared. (Though they appeared again at the end of the Kobold Encampment battle.) - The Kobold Killer weapon (loot from Kobold Encampment) has a card that's named "Violent Swing" on its small graphic but changes to "Violent Overswing" when you zoom in. USER INTERFACE: - Several times I noticed that tutorial messages were obscuring UI elements that I wanted to look at. (This may not be a problem for most; I tend to exhaustively explore UIs in new games, even during tutorials.) - In the first battle, I used Arc Lightning (or a card named something like that) in a situation where I expected it to hit 3 enemies, but it actually hit only 2. The third enemy was 3 spaces left and 1 space up from one of the enemies that got hit; I'm assuming that's within "range 3" based on how the movement cards work. This was in the first minute or so of play, so it's entirely possible I made some dumb mistake or overlooked some nuance, but it was not obvious to me why it didn't work, and I was mildly frustrated that I didn't notice any indication that the attack was only going to hit 2 targets instead of 3 until it actually executed.
Not quite sure it's the client that's lagging - no other reports about that kind of thing. Could be a large number of people trying it at once and overloading the servers (can't check at work), ofc - if keys just went out. Otherwise it's likelier on your end, but still a valid complaint since it's likely impossible for you to tell the reason. (sounds like you're timing out a lot, since you have issues with a lot of information from the client - card playing, tutorial messages et c). Some Card names are shortened to fit in smaller size, so not a bug - but might be weird unless you actually know it. Guess they thought that Violet Over would be weirder. Arc lightning requires LoS to all targets from the original caster - it's not clear, but that's how it works.