Tsarr's Bazaar Weird Bug (s).

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by imMara, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. imMara

    imMara Mushroom Warrior

    This is a weird one. The game bugs out (as you can see on the picture), when I try to pick up an item on Tsarr's Bazaar. After I click on the item, the item sticks to my cursor, everything bugs out, and doesn't let me do anything else but exit.

    Few other things:
    • When I enter the bazaar, the screen is on the "Open Chest" part without me buying a chest.
    • None of the items in either my collection, or the treasure chest have descriptions or show the cards they have, this happens when I enter the screen without opening the chest or picking any items.
    • The items are always the same ones as in the picture.
    • Sometimes staying on the screen for too long completely freezes my game.
    • Is only Tsarr's Bazaar, all the other bazaars work fine.
    • Restarting the game doesn't seem to fix it.
    EDIT: This bug is now fixed with the new build.


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