Bought a starter pack, party equipped > selected casual >training and a map but basically get stuck creating/loading for several minutes with no way to quit out apart from reloading. Tried both Streams of Blood and Bridge without any success.
Oh alright then, was hard to tell if it was me or the game. I'll stay out of mp for the time being then!
Only ranked games are working currently (and practice only when you invite someone - come skype and we can play!) ; also waiting on Gary (ranked) is ~10min
Oh, wasn't aware that practice was nonfunctional - figured Gary would pop up there. Thanks for the headsup sayd the shy noob multiplayer
Casual is working, as far as I know, but not very clear. If you create a casual game without inviting someone, you can sit and wait for a random person to join. But that person has to click on the game in the room list and then select Join. Also, you are stuck looking at a loading screen until that happens. We need to fix it.