Trying out 2 Dwarf Warrior 1 Human Wizard and just made it up. Take a look?

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by LieutenantCommanderData, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. My idea is having 2 mobile dwarves with high damage and a wizard with human movement skills and wizard movement skills to help them even further. It was great at first but I've been losing a lot lately and would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.

    Holodeck Warrior Alpha
    Level 1 Dwarf Warrior

    Holodeck Warrior Beta
    Level 1 Dwarf Warrior

    Holodeck Wizard Alpha
    Level 1 Human Wizard
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    There are some team movement and maybe even Quickness Aura in minor token helmets if you think you're still short on movement. I would consider replacing those Dwarf Racial skills, especially if you have Raging Battler or Apprentice Ferocity.

    Ring Of Appropriation might be better than Luke's Iron Hand. I'm not sure that lone Force Bolt is doing that much difference, I'd replace it for trait cycling (Electroporter Novice or similar).

    Do you have any particular build / matchup that you have difficulty with? There seems to be quite much warriors going around, so I think patience is the key. Let them come to you and try to isolate one of the characters with your wizard. You could try adding some Whirlwind Enemies to mess up with your opponent's position play.
  3. uhlik

    uhlik Orc Soldier

    I would even try to ditch one Double-Edged Sword for Blazing Shortsword to gain two tokens and use them for some shield with Deffenders Block and for some team movement helmet. For example Aegis of the defender or Buckler of Protection (if you need that major token somewhere else) and Lieutenant's Cap.
    Wizard could use a better boots with a team movement and a better command skill. Asmod's Telekinetic Chain instead of Luke's Iron Hand would freee you a token for it.

    Those are quite minor changes. The build as is seam to be quite solid already...
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
  4. I do not have Raging Battler, Apprentice Ferocity, Ring of Appropriation, Blazing Shortsword, Aegis of the Defender, or Asmod's Telekinetic Chain.... However, I do have an Electroporter Novice! Blazing Shortsword seems to be really key to freeing up some tokens so I will definitely keep an eye out for it. Thanks, guys. I think I am probably just not playing the build well and need to keep refining my play. I will try to be more patient. I had been running 2 Elf Warriors and 1 Human Priest so I was used to being very aggressive.

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