Triple Dwarf Priests - Buff/Draw Deck

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Stormyknight, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

  2. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    The existence of other dwarves on enemy teams might make Advanced Ferocity a bit risky - it was part of how I had all of those movement effects I used against you. There are a number of good Dwarf Skills with movement (which is the vampire's perennial weakness). While I don't expect you to have enough copies of Ferocity to outfit a team, Raging Brute has two solid moves and a blind rage. Given that, I would also recommend away from Glasod's Dark Eye and towards something like Draining Console. Slowing your vamps down works to your detriment, not to your advantage. It also ups the number of attacks on that priest just a little, giving their two Inspiring Presence-toting allies a little more to dig for.

    If you want to get a little deeper into deckbuilding analysis mode, I'd ask you to post two things - when this deck wins, how does it usually get there? And when this deck fails, where does it fail? Try and be specific when you can - if its your draws, what are you failing to draw, or if its your opponent's decks, how exactly do they monkeywrench your plans?
  3. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

    Honestly most is not all of my wins with the deck are from domination over capture, the deck can heal a LOT of damage, and most of the time unless the other team has anti movement - (winds/telek wiz) or they are all elves and manage to knock one of mine out early, then most of the time i just move in and corner them one by one, im not even opposed to sending in the first priest solo vs 2 other characters as i know he can tank a lot of damage and has the most overall damage in the deck.

    But yeah the deck tends to fail me when it draws inconsistently, for this deck it is either drawing into too many move cards or too many heal cards for a few rounds in a row, if between the 3 i get a mostly average draw this is actually good for me as an average rounded draw in the deck will net me lots of playable hands.

    As far as drawing, i can if i choose to with this deck, completely draw out every round as i nearly always am blessed on the start of each round and net either another bless, into cry into any of the other draws i have.

    I wouldn't really say my priests are vampires, as i only have the one manifold, but they are nearly always buffed with frenzy or martyr or something else.

    The flight and imp.heal cards are probably the 2 cards i have the least use for, imp.heal i generally hope i get it early like round 1 or 2 and i use it for scouting blocks. after that it tends to hinder rather then help. Flight in general is rather useless on this team as they tend to travel together and not split up all that often.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  4. GCar

    GCar Kobold

    In my opinion this deck will be hard to take to 1700 without the good movement shields (Quinn's buckler) and boots (Hawkwind's Mocassin) and without 3 Raging Battler which is a great skill saving a token and making you small vampire attacks much better.
    If lacking the good movement items, I think keeping one elf warrior with 2 dwarf priests is stronger (warrior can bring extra movement for the dwarves with the helmet or savvy attacker, not to forget cautious mobility helps drawing viscious spins and team walks).

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