
Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Malliki, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Malliki

    Malliki Kobold

    might have found another one just took damage vs the bronze golem in compas of or from a shredding strike. here is the log.

    Cardob shreds Kneecapper
    Cardob moved.
    Kneecapper is resistant to damage -
    Kneecapper toughs it out!
    Kneecapper discarded Toughness.
    Kneecapper is wearing armor -
    Mail failed!
    Kneecapper took 6 Slashing damage.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Shredding Strike "kills" any armor before it has any effect. Toughness counts as armor (has the armor marker).
  3. Malliki

    Malliki Kobold

    shouldnt the discard effect still happen before the kneecapper toughens it out effect tough? though i can see that it actually did what it was supposed to
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    No, as I understand it, Shredding Strike's rule is "If any damage from this Attack would be prevented by Armor . . . " so it has to check each Armor card first BEFORE it shreds it. If the Armor doesn't try to prevent damage (via a failed dice roll), then it isn't shredded. Toughness is really weird, given that it always "succeeds its dice roll," but it still uses the Armor rules and thus is obliged to "check" first. (Kinda like how Guardian Angel still follows Block rules.)
    irongamer and Zoorland like this.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think Sir Knight is correct.

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