Thick Hide Armor - Armor Rolls Twice?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by irongamer, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Am I misunderstanding how armor works? Or missing something else obvious?

    I have one armor card in my hand, Thick Hide Armor. The card rolls and fails. Then another Thick Hide Armor rolls and succeeds. Then a second Thick Hide Armor pops into my hand.

    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Mineshaft,Room=Battle DMND 938,RoomID=5392,Event=PlayAction,Action=Able Stab,Instigator=Fokk,Targets=Annisha
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Mineshaft,Room=Battle DMND 938,RoomID=5392,Event=TriggerFail,Trigger=Thick Hide Armor,TriggeringActor=Annisha,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=PreDamage,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Mineshaft,Room=Battle DMND 938,RoomID=5392,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Thick Hide Armor,TriggeringActor=Annisha,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=PreDamage,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Mineshaft,Room=Battle DMND 938,RoomID=5392,Msg=Annisha took 2 damage

    Second card shows up as oldest card in my hand.

  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    That's either an error in the game or in your memory, as it's not supposed to happen.

    When Armor triggers, the card physically leaves your hand and flies to the middle of the screen. If you aren't paying attention, it can make you think it was never in your hand in the first place (you don't see it in your hand RIGHT NOW; so it was never there). Slowing down animation speed allows you to see this effect more clearly.
  3. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    I'll keep an eye out.

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