The Saddest Chest

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Lucielle, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Lucielle

    Lucielle Kobold

  2. HD23

    HD23 Orc Soldier

    1400 gold isn't bad, and I definitely have some epics and legendaries I wish I could sell for treasure values.
  3. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Value aside, It's more funny to think about who throws their pipe, comb, and lunch into a chest.
    It's like you raided somebody's school locker, or something.
    Zalminen likes this.
  4. Gentlecow

    Gentlecow Orc Soldier

    Honestly, I would love some legendary treasures right about now. There's a couple of epics in the rare shop that I wish I had cash to buy before they reset.
  5. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    The shops don't reset until you actually log out, right? Time for a Card Hunter marathon! :D

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