you should at least try to hide your cheating better devs - you cant tell me that the rolls arent loaded in pve. I have played the game now for the last couple days pretty intensly and have to say - the computer hardly every misses any of his rolls - regardless of how unlikely they are...they block, they prevent damage with armor, they hit - while my guys fail nearly any time they roll regardless of how easy it is... moreover, i also have the slight feeling that the game gives you attack cards depending on how close enemies are to your position - if they are close i never get any attack cards, if they are far away i dont get any movement cards - it happens that often it is really obvious...i just get the feeling the rolls and possibilities are in the computers favor to make you invest money to even out the plainfield... a shame, it could have been a good game
Please collect data before accusing the devs of secretly cheating. People have a notoriously bad sense of whether events are random.
there wouldnt be so many threads about it if it was bogus - either the system doesnt work right or its a scam to push you into the payment options. I have played the 3rd cockroach map now 16 times!!!! and in those 16 games- that i lost all the cockroaches missed 5 of their armor checks - in 16 games...sorry but thats just too obvious
I've beaten the game twice, once totally unpaid, and didn't struggle particularly on either play through. I've also re-beaten the map you're talking about, (so, a third time), without having a character die (for a post-campaign quest). RNG is random, but the game is hardly overtuned or "cheating" as a way to force you into paying money.
erm, are you attacking the cockroaches with fire ? and they have Resistant Hide in hand ? If so, you will continue to lose as resistant hide blocks all fire based attacks. It would help if you just posted your party build.
OK, I guess it's time I collected data on my rolls and AI rolls. I would be very surprised if the dice are loaded, but I'm certainly ready to be proven wrong. BTW, cockroaches have Resistant Hide. Are you sure you weren't hitting them with electricity or fire, to which they would be immune?
Well, in any game with a random component people tend to remember the bad results and forget the normal and good ones. But if you feel the game is cheating, there's an easy way to prove it: play several games and record every armor roll result on a notepad. If the game's cheating, it will then be easy for everyone to see from the full data.